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西比尔询问了她当女工的生活。Sybil quizzed her about life as a working girl.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费西比尔充分流?Where can I watch Sybil movie online free full stream?

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麦格教授你能护送西比尔进去么?。Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?

唐宁街一位发言人称,西比尔于本周初在一位家庭朋友的家中去世。Sybil died earlier this week at the home of a family friend, a Downing Street spokesman said.

每一个异教民族都有精通这门学问的西比尔。Every gentile nation had its own sybil versed in this science, and we find mention of twelve of them.

女巫警告杰克不要采纳卡尔的任何意见,他因乱出点子而臭名昭著,他的建议常常弊大于利。Sybil warned Jack not to take any advice from Carl, a notorious kibitzer whose suggestions often did more harm than good.

在此之后,前财政大臣达林的宠物猫西比尔接替了汉弗莱的工作,但最后无功而返。After that, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling took over the pet cat Sybil Humphrey's work, but in the end failed.

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日前,英国“猫”西比尔身患急症去世。英国首相戈登•布朗两年前上任后不久,西比尔便入住唐宁街。Sybil the cat, who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two years ago, has died after a short illness.

该方案具有完美前向保密性和主密钥前向保密性,具有较好的抗节点伪造、节点复制和女巫攻击能力。This scheme pro-rides perfect forward secrecy and master key forward secrecy and can better resist nodes impersonation, nodes replication and sybil attack.

对于模型中的信任度求解、节点成员表的历史记录维护、冒名、诋毁及协同作弊等关键问题给出了解决策略。The paper introduces the strategy about computing trust value, maintaining the record of history remember, preventing sybil attack and slandering and cooperative cheat.

在西比尔之前,唐宁街“第一猫”是富有传奇色彩的流浪猫汉弗莱。汉弗莱的女主人是前任首相玛格利特·撒切尔,直到约翰·梅杰卸任时它还在唐宁街。Sybil was the first cat to live in the street since the legendary Humphrey, a stray who took up residence under prime minister Margaret Thatcher and outstayed John Major.

现有的模型不能很好地解决模型的迭代收敛性问题,同时缺乏对诸如冒名、诋毁等安全性问题的考虑。Current p2p trust model could not promise the convergence of iteration for trust computation, and takes no consideration for model security problems, such as sybil attack and slandering.