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罗伯塔像往常一样迟到了。Roberta was late as usual.

罗伯塔绕着罗马遗迹跑圈。Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

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在工厂工作期间,克莱德遇到了罗巴塔·安顿,并立即爱上了她。In the course of his work at the factory Clyde met Roberta Alden, with whom.

在基督教对人的观点里,我们都是不完美的。“The Christian view of man is that we're not perfect, ” Roberta Ahmanson told me.

意大利一边,斯齐亚沃尼又回到场上,与双打专家文奇携手出战。For Italy, Francesca Schiavone is back on court, alongside doubles specialist Roberta Vinci.

在工厂的工作中,克莱德结识了罗伯塔·奥尔登并很快爱上了她。In the course of his work at the factory Clyde met Roberta Alden , with whom he soon fell in love.

我有一个名叫罗贝塔的妹妹,在那个时候她几乎总是穿着粉色的芭蕾舞鞋到处跑。I have a younger sister named Roberta , and back then she wore pink ballerina slippers almost everywhere.

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儿童心理学家认为,早期的学科训练会伤害孩子成为终生学习者的能力。Child psychologist Roberta Michnick Golinkoff thinks early tutoring could hurt kids' ability to become lifelong learners.

2008年,史密斯的雕塑作品入围伦敦特拉法加广场第四柱基比赛。In 2008, a sculpture by Bob and Roberta Smith was shortlisted for the Fourth Plinth competition in Trafalgar Square, London.

史密夫的文本绘画不求细腻工整,使用随机著色附阴影的字母,且充满错拼的字,教人发笑。Bob and Roberta Smith's text paintings are shabbily made, using random coloured "drop shadow" letters, and are full of hilarious misspellings.

补品确实有些帮助,但不能完全替代生命所需要的营养,美国膳食协会发言人罗博塔·安丁如是说。While some are helpful, supplements can't entirely replace proper nutrition, said Roberta Anding, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson.

他们与我的交流是自1984年来第一次Howard同意与记者打交道,也是自1992年来Roberta的第一次。Their exchanges with me marked the first time since 1984 that Howard had agreed to make contact with a journalist, and the first time since 1992 for Roberta.

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“我们都有点受宠若惊了,”罗伯特·格林科夫说道,他是特拉华大学的一位发展心理学家,和赫胥·帕瑟克一起组织了这次活动。“We were overwhelmed,” said Roberta Golinkoff, a developmental psychologist at the University of Delaware and a founder of the event along with Dr. Hirsh-Pasek.

罗伯塔摊开塑料袋的提手,轻轻地把它穿到他的手腕上。老人在空中摆动的粗糙多节的手指和上面的斑点显示着岁月的记录。Roberta spread the plastic handles . on the bag and gently slipped them over his wrist. The fingers that dangled into space were gnarledand spotted with the marks of age.

“围绕太空的传统是,我担忧的东西将离开”罗伯塔埃里克说,他56岁,一位联合航天的雇员,她监督轨道飞行器的测试并完全参与到多次发射。"The tradition around space is what I'm worried will go away, " says Roberta Wyrick, 56. A United Space employee, she oversees orbiter testing and is integrally involved with launches.