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送出艉缆。Send out stern lines.

警戒森严。The caution is stern.

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我们船有艉侧推器。We have stern thruster.

把艉撇缆打到岸上。Send heaving stern line ashore.

拉紧已松弛的尾缆!Tighten the slacked stern line!

而她对面是一个严肃的老寡妇。Beside her was a stern old matron.

尾桅占据了船尾的空间Mizzenmast takes up space in stern

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油系统的油清洗。Flushing L. O. sytem of stern tube.

管家是个严肃的老人。The seneschal was an old stern man.

滑油日用系统注油清洗完毕。Flushing L. O. system of stern tube.

它被放在船尾。It is placed in the stern of a boat.

严峻的扶手看起来一样好。Thee stern handrail looks just as good.

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如何将斯特恩的观点转变成行动?How to turn the Stern Review into action?!

这一迟疑不决的态度已招致严重警告。The hesitation has brought stern warnings.

据说马克林努斯有着严厉的性格。Macrinus is described as a stern character.

一条小金枪鱼咬住了他艉缆上的鱼钩。A small one took the hook on his stern line.

你们船有艏侧推器还是艉侧推器?Do you have bow thruster or stern thruster ?

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艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。The propeller raced wildly as the stern rose.

雪白的船尾上黑黄两色的船名A name on the stern in black-and-gold on white

他对学生的纪委要求非常严格。He is very stern in his students" discipline."