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第五章从审美的角度切人,确认了林语堂中庸式的审美原则即多元和互补。I affirms that Lin Yutang"s aesthetic principle of mean is multiplicate factors and supplement."

数码技术充实着书籍装帧艺术设计并使其更加多元化与个性化。The digital technology enriches the extension of artistic book design and also makes it more multiplicate and individual.

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内衣公司的成立,标志振威集团多元化发展道路上迈出了重要一步,具有里程碑式的意义。It symbolized the Zhenwei Group has an important stride in the rode of multiplicate development, has the meaning of landmark.

由于引起灾荒的原因多种多样,在不同的政治社会历史的条件下,其影响和后果也是不同的。Due to their multiplicate causes, the effects and aftermaths of famines and disasters are diverse in different social contexts.

美国气候多样,风景秀丽,公路四通八达,人们可以驱车前往任何值得观光的地方。It has multiplicate climates, beautiful scenery. Highways extend in all directions. People can drive to anywhere which deserves to visit.

该文研究分析了非理想功率控制下,多种类型用户并存时VSG—CDMA系统的容量问题。In this paper, the capacity of VSG-CDMA system with power control imperfections in the presence of multiplicate types of users is discussed.

完善了现代空战超机动近距格斗的三维动画仿真平台,对多种机动动作进行了动画仿真。Perfected the 3D animation simulation of super-maneuver wrestling in modern air combat using OpenGL, simulated multiplicate maneuver actions in air combat.

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接着论文具体分析和推导了几种典型的超宽带信号的时域表达式及其功率谱密度,PPM-TH-UWB信号、PAM-TH-UWB信号和PAM-DS-UWB信号都是本文研究的对象。The paper analyses and deduces the temporal expression and PSD of multiplicate typical UWB signal. PPM-TH-UWB and PAM-DS-UWB are the object in the research of paper.

科举考试的产生与持续发展是中国封建社会独特的政治、经济、文化等多种社会因素综合作用的结果。Imperial Examination's generation and continual development was the result of Chinese Feudal Society multiplicate factors synthetical function, such as politics, economy and culture.

目前,从大豆蛋白中已分离出多种纯化大豆生物活性肽,如降血压肽、免疫调节肽、抗氧化肽等。At present, multiplicate purified bioactive peptides have been separated from soybean protein, such as antihypertensive peptides, immunomodulating peptides, antioxidant peptides, etc.

骨桥蛋白是一种具有多种功能的磷酸化糖蛋白,不仅广泛分布于骨基质等正常组织细胞中,而且在许多肿瘤组织中都过量表达。Osteopontin is a multifunctional phosphoglycoprotein. It not only distribute widely in normal tissues such as bone tissues, but also has over expression in multiplicate tumor tissues.

百色地区国有林场因地制宜,因场制宜,采取多种形式,有规划、有措施地发展职工自营经济,取得了明显效果。State Forestry Center of Baise District adjusts measures to local conditions, takes multiplicate forms, develops workers seif-supporting economy following the plan and gains a manifest effect.

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本产品采用齐平膜结构和多种引线方式能够最大限度的满足客户的要求,特别适用于食品制药,饮料加工和生物制品等行业。The product is designed to level film structure and multiplicate down-leads, which could meet requirements of user farthest, in particular suitable for food , pharmacy, drink and biology goods.

这种方法理论依据较强,实现起来简单,且杂波模拟效果非常理想,从而为雷达信号的实时处理和实时仿真提供了一种有效的途径。The technique may be used for ontime signal processing and simulating in radar due to its multiplicate advantages such as strong theoretical basis, simplicity and excellent simulation effects, etc.