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杨承宗教授是我国放射化学的奠基人。Professor Yang Chengzong is one of the founders of radiochemistry in China.

应用有毒或放射性化学物品时注意保护自己。Applies virulent or when the radiochemistry goods pays attention protects oneself.

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并用该组件处理放射化学实验室排出的废水。The RO Module has been used to treat waste water of the radiochemistry laboratory.

该文介绍了他的生平经历及其对中国放射化学事业所做的开创性贡献。This paper gives a brief account of his life and his contributions to Chinese radiochemistry.

研究早期西方放射化学在中国的传播和发展。The development and spread of early western radiochemistry in China was searched through literatures.

建国初期,在十分困难的条件下,他领导开展了放射化学基础研究和应用研究。Early in the 1950s, Professor Yang was the pioneer in developing fundamental radiochemistry and its application.

通过文献考证,考察了从西方对放射化学最初的研究到中国放射化学事业的建立的历程。And the course from initial stage of western radiochemistry to radiochemistry founded in China was also investigated.

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环境放射化学是一门新兴的边缘学科,对其学科体系进行探讨十分必要。The environmental radiochemistry is a new frontier discipline. So?it is very important to study the system of this subject.

本文介绍了用于PET药物放射化学合成过程的自动化技术的基本特点和现状,并讨论了其发展方向。The current status and future development of the automation in PET radiopharmaceutics, especially of the automation of PET radiochemistry , are discussed.

介绍用超滤—反渗透—电渗析组合工艺处理放射化学实验室排出的低水平放射性废水。The UF, RO and ED combined technological process was used to treat the low-level radioactive waste water coming from the radiochemistry laboratory in our institute.

采用了薄层色谱法对不同的展开体系进行筛选,建立测定18F-脱氧葡萄糖注射液放化纯度的分析方法,并与同一样品的高压液相法分析比较。Different elution systems were selected by TLC to establish analytical methods of measurement of radiochemistry of 18F-FDG in this paper, and compared with HPLC of the same sample.

放射化学与纳米科学的交叉,既是放射化学在新兴前学科的应用,也是放射化学本身在前沿领域的发展。The multidisciplinary study of nanosciences using radiochemistry as probes is not only the application of radiochemistry in nanosciences, but also the development of radiochemistry itself.

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“核化学与放射化学”是支撑核科学技术的基础理论学科之一,与国家安全、能源、医学、环境等密切相关。Nuclear & Radiochemistry is one of the fundamental disciplines for nuclear science and technology and is related to national security, energy source, medical science and environmental science, etc.