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战利品表续。Loot Tables cont.

第十二节杀光,烧光,抢光!Kill All, Burn All, Loot All!

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强盗分赃。The thieves divvied up the loot.

还回赃物我们就扯平了。Just return the loot eachdill call it even.

窃贼连同赃物被当场抓获。The thief was caught red-handed with the loot.

窃贼们把赃物均分成若干份。The thieves divides the loot into equal shares.

警察抓获了小偷及其赃物。The thieves are cau with their loot by the police.

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这是过去海盗们藏赃物的岛屿。This was the island where buccaneers hid their loot.

在一场您娜菲斯福尔同伴将装备掠夺。After a battle Your faithfull companions will equip loot.

史诗飞行形态不能采药了。Druids in Swift Flight form can no longer loot herb nodes.

阿拉干参与了对战利品的全面掠夺。It was Arakanese who joined the general scramble for loot.

在北印度语中,LOOT指在战争或暴乱中失窃的物品。As a Hindi word, loot is an item stolen during war or riot.

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正如艾伯特·丁尼生所说的,投机倒把里出现了裂罅。There was a rift within the loot , as Albert Tennyson says.

以前,海盗经常把赃物藏在海洞穴里。In the old days, pirates often hid their loot in wave caves.

赃物罪在实践中是一种高发型犯罪。Crime related to loot is a kind of frequent crimes in practice.

他主演的哈姆雷特,罗密欧与茱丽叶和乔奥顿的哄抢。He has starred in Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Joe Orton's Loot.

他们回到森林里的藏身处分赃。When they got to their forest hide-out they divided up the loot.

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他们把一块石头朝警察扔去,然后带着钱溜掉了。They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.

在布洛克岛海滨埋藏掠夺物的年夜概不可是海盗。Probably not only pirates buried loot on the beaches of Block Island.

丹尼斯顿买了新的宝马,用偷来的钱出去旅游了几次。Denniston bought a new BMW and took several trips with his stolen loot.