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Mach所使用的微内核的方法,并没有获得很大的成功。The microkernel approach, taken by Mach, was not a great success.

使用面向资源微核有几个主要的优点。The use of a resource-oriented microkernel has several key benefits.

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金匮回生液、金匮激活丹不诱发昆明属小鼠微核形成。"Jinguihuishengyi" and "Jinguijihuodang" do not lead to construction of mouse's microkernel.

尽管一个微内核离完整的操作系统还很远,但这样的设计达到了我们的主要目标。While a microkernel is by no means a complete operating system, this design achieves a major goal.

微内核在执行任何调用之前,首先会检查该调用是否被许可。However, before executing any call, the microkernel first checks to make sure the call is permitted.

除了提供伸缩性更好的环境之外,微核还能提供稳定性优势。In addition to providing a more scalable environment, the microkernel can offer reliability advantages.

实际上,Windsor仅仅是封装了MicroKernel并提供了一些外部的配置信息和代理支持。In fact, Windsor just aggregates the MicroKernel and provides external configuration and proxy support.

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如果客户端请求了端点并未提供的表示类型,那么微核就可以起到媒介的作用。If a client requests a representation type that an endpoint does not provide then the microkernel can intermediate.

context对象是microkernel的一个接口,在逻辑请求与具体代码之间架起了一座桥梁。The context object is an interface to the microkernel which allows an endpoint to bridge between logical requests and physical code.

帖子引起的反应,托沃兹,造成一个众所周知的争论和单片微内核设计。Theposting elicited the response of Torvalds, which resulted in a wellknown debate over the microkernel and monolithic kernel designs.

微内核由于其结构清晰,易扩充和移植等特点,成为一种备受关注的技术。Microkernel becomes an attention-attracting technology because of its clear structure , and its advantage for expansion and transplantation.

相比之下,微核操作系统提供动态抛出功能的方法,从而提供伸缩性更好的环境。In contrast, microkernel operating systems provide the means to discard functionality dynamically, allowing a much more scalable environment.

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之前我们了解的上下文对象context就是一个统一的POSIX的例子,就像是被称作NetKernel基础API的微核的抽象。The context object we saw earlier is an example of a uniform POSIX like abstraction around the microkernel called the NetKernel Foundation API.

微内核在设计之初并没有关注性能问题,这导致了第一代微内核在性能上广遭诟病。Performance is scarcely attended to when the microkernel is in its embryonic stage, which led to the notoriety of the first generation microkernel.

NetKernel的逻辑模型集中于信息处理,而且通过一个微内核将逻辑模型与物理层对象和API干净地分离。NetKernel's logical model is focused on information processing and is cleanly separated from the physical level of objects and APIs by a microkernel.

这种设计的好处就是,内核的体积大大减小,用户态的服务线程提高了系统的灵活性和安全性。The benefit of microkernel and user-level system service is the greatly reduced kernel size, together with the flexibility and security of the whole system.

将操作系统的结构重新组织为一个运行于内核态的微内核,外加若干用户进程去完成真正的操作系统任务。reorganize the operating system as a tiny microkernel that runs in kernel mode, along with some number of user processes that do the real work of the operating system.

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高度模块化的设计使微内核对进程间通信的依赖度极高,因而进程间通信的性能直接影响到微内核的性能。High-level modularization renders the microkernel exceedingly dependent on the inter-process communication, which therefore can directly affect the performance of the microkernel.

提出了采用微内核结构的卫星操作系统设计方案,并且就该设计方案的实现细节进行了介绍和讨论。A scheme of real- time satellite operating system design based on microkernel architecture is presented and the implementation of this scheme is introduced and discussed in detail.

NetKernel的中心是一个REST风格或面向资源的微核,专门负责为物理代码解析逻辑URI请求并在空闲的CPU上安排执行请求。At the heart of NetKernel is a RESTful or resource-oriented microkernel responsible for resolving logical URI requests to physical code endpoints and scheduling the request on an available CPU core.