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这牛奶已被掺水了。This milk has been watered.

我发现花已浇过了。I found the flowers watered.

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我们的船在港口加了水。Our ship watered at the port.

她把整个园子全浇遍了。She watered the whole garden.

所以他从不给他的树浇水。So he never watered his trees.

所以他从不给他的树浇水。So he never watered his trees.

这些小树已经浇过水了。These trees have been watered.

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应该常浇花。Flowers should be often watered.

用他们的眼泪润湿天堂And watered heaven with their tears

这些花要常浇水吗?Should the flowers be watered often?

肯定有人浇过花了。Someone must have watered the flowers.

他看见烤肉就垂涎三尺。His mouth watered at the sight of roast.

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我慢慢地、仔细地浇着这些花。I watered the flowers slowly and carefully.

他会说他已经浇过花了。He will say that he has watered the flowers.

当然,这些年来它已经被掺水了。Oh sure, it's been watered down over the years.

过去我每见芦笋,常常馋涎欲滴。My mouth had often watered at the sight of them.

如果灌水太早,就会烂根。If it were watered too early the roots would rot.

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可为鲜乳收购时鉴定掺水情况提供一种实用的检测方法。It is a practical method in test of watered milk.

国因河溪多而水源充足。Our country is well watered by rivers and brooks.

花刚开,但她需要滋润,她需要浇灌。The flowers are fresh, but she needs to be watered.