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漫长的编辑-编译-调试周期。Lengthy edit-compile-debug cycle.

那确实是相当冗长的一张纸。It was a rather lengthy piece of paper.

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在恐龙统治地球的漫长岁月中。During their lengthy reign over the earth.

我们又何必在意那长长的风季。Why do we sign during the lengthy windy season.

这将涉及到代位权和漫长的诉讼。This will involve lengthy subrogation and lawsuits.

卡斯特罗以发表激烈、冗长的演说见长。Castro is notorious for his powerful, lengthy speeches.

为了制作烤鸭,厨师需要经历漫长的准备过程。To prepare the duck, chefs go through a lengthy process.

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这是自2001年英国向阿富汗派兵以来,伤亡人数最多的一年。That is the most since the lengthy deployment began back in 2001.

现实就是我们正在进入一个漫长的低水平经济增长期。The reality is we're in for a lengthy slog of below-trend growth.

接下来他帮助猴子度过了一段漫长的康复期。He then guided the monkey through a lengthy rehabilitation period.

找到那个特别的人是一项艰巨而漫长的任务。Finding that special someone can be both an arduous and lengthy task.

另外,汉德尔说,那么长的条款并不都是苹果公司自己要做出来的。In addition, Handel said the lengthy terms are not all Apple's doing.

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在膝盖受伤后,迪肯贝·穆托姆博认为自己的超长职业生涯已经结束。Dikembe Mutombo said his lengthy career is finished after a knee injury

在长时间的治疗后,他被担架抬下场。He was stretchered off after lengthy treatment which held up the match.

他们都经历了一个漫长的过程的检查和核对。They have gone through a lengthy process of checking and cross-checking.

冗长的青春即使散场,也依然让人无限怀恋。Even if the lengthy finish at youth, it still makes an infinite nostalgia.

通过例子可以看出,尽量使用具体的数据但要避免啰嗦。As you can see by the examples, being specific does not mean being lengthy.

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有一个人证有点倾向于在回答问题之前做冗长的解释。One witness rather tended to preface his replies with lengthy explanations.

考克斯等人数万言的报告似乎作得很细。Cox and others seemed to be quite meticulous in writing this lengthy report.

“长调”在音乐上的主要特征是歌腔舒展,节奏自由。These songs are characterized by their lengthy vocalization and free rhythm.