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好多的书!Scads of books!

这些都告诉我们许多现在的关于科比和湖人的情况和信息。Which tells us scads about Kobe Bryant and the Lakers of the moment.

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擦除所有内部服务器应该省下一大笔钱。Getting rid of all those in-house servers is supposed to save scads of money.

此外还有大量的哈利波特特许商品,仍然是影迷争相抢购的对象。Then there's the scads of Harry Potter merchandise that fans still snatch up.

你慢悠悠地走楼梯会让许多已经对公共交通感到郁闷的乘客抓狂的。Your slow climb is pissing off scads of already addled public transportation users.

有关婚姻与家庭的材料多如牛毛,而友情方面的却很少。There is just scads of stuff on families and marriage, but very little on friendship.

因此,他从构思到鲹学习贯彻使用者在很短的时间。So, he went from idea to learning to implementation to scads of users in a very short time.

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在众多与我交谈的电视明星中,本人从未认真探究过他们具体消费了多少电视节目。Among the scads of TV stars I've talked to, I never made a point of grilling them on their TV consumption.

日元利差交易的周期一直是备受关注的焦点,只不过局势从来没有像现在这样明朗。The whole phenomenon of the yen carry trade is a subject that draws scads of attention, but rarely ever much clarity.

父母带孩子去看足球、去骑马、看曲棍球,男孩和女孩童子军一起并参加其他一些组织的活动。Parents take children to soccer and horseback riding and lacrosse and Boy and Girl Scouts and scads of other organized activities.

当我1993年重返东京时,我看到了大量有关评论日本“神经质教育”的母亲和“填鸭式”学前班的文章。Before I moved to Tokyo back in 1993, I had read scads of articles about Japan's neurotic "education moms" and "cram schools" for the preschool set.

每天有越来越多的室内设计行业专业人士在深圳室内设计网上发布各种供求信息及招聘求职信息。An increasing number of interior professionals announce scads of supply and demand information on the website as well as recruitments and job seeking.

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如果我们认为海洋孕育了无数未知形式而存在的生命,为什么我们可以忽视掉头顶的这一片天空?So if we are to concede that the ocean harbors scads of unknown life-forms how can we ignore the same potential in the vastly more expansive heavens above?

地球同步轨道的好处是能够让SDO几乎一直朝向太阳,收集大量数据并将结果持续传回地面指挥中心。The benefit of geosynchronous orbit is thatit allows SDO to almost constantly face the sun, collecting scads of data andbeaming the results continuously back to mission control.

本文采用比较的方法,研究了黄海南部东海北部和东海中南部两个鲐鲹鱼索饵场浮游动物生态特征。In this paper, the ecological characteristics of zooplankton in feeding grounds of mackerel and scads from Southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea were studied by comparing methods.