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它们在我的书包里。They are in my schoolbag.

什么在你的书包吗?。What's in your schoolbag?

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然后,我收拾我的书包。Then, I pack my schoolbag.

我喜欢书包,多少钱?。I like schoolbag. How much?

在书包里。In the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

在书包下面。In the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

我的书也包重。My schoolbag is heavy, too.

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在书包里。On the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

在书包上面。On the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

他有个跟我的一样的书包。He has a schoolbag like mine.

迈克,把你的书包给我吧。Give me your schoolbag , Mike.

它爬过你的书包。It crawls over your schoolbag.

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把书装进你的书包里。Put the book in your schoolbag.

他把纸装在了书包里。He put the paper in his schoolbag.

我们带一些食物在我的书包里。We took some foods in my schoolbag.

你书包里有什么东西呢?What do you have in your schoolbag?

嗨陈杰。我有一个新书包。Hi Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.

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然后它又爬进了你的书包。Then it crosses into your schoolbag.

他今天上午忘记带书包了。He forgot his schoolbag this morning.

你好,陈洁。我有一个新书包。Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.