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他肯定知道。He surely knows.

这个我当然知道啦。I surely know that.

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难道一切都毫无疑问地丧失殆尽了吗?Surely all is lost?

当然了,我们都这样做过。Surely we all do that.

它们一定会坠落。They will surely fall.

必将再次回还。Will surely come again.

你一定记得他吧。Surely you remember him.

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明天他会来的。Surely he'll come tomorrow.

当然应该有更多。There should surely be more.

“习习”可是个新词。"Xixi" is surely a new word.

我们的太太们肯定会想念我们的。Our wives will surely miss us.

谅必你不会抛弃我吧!Surely you will not desert me!

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那么,你一定喜欢足球。Then surely you like football.

你肯定认识波拉,没错的!You must know Bulla , surely !

谅必你不会一个人去吧!Surely you are not going alone!

但是这显而易见是无耻的!But this is surely dishonorable!

当然是坐在他的包座上,对吗?Surely in a reserved seat, right?

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这是一部很不错的电影。Surely it was a intresting story.

当然那里人多势众。Surely there’s safety in numbers.

肯定要归到用来造酒的那堆Went surely to the cider-apple heap