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所谓的粪,在今天的社会里表现得淋漓尽致。So-called muck, in today's society show incisively and vividly.

这一夜,我和妩媚,重获了久违的、淋漓尽致的快乐。This one night, I and charm, recovery long-unseen, the joy of incisively and vividly.

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设计落实到厨房这边,开放的厨房生活方式得到淋漓尽致的发挥。The design fulfils a kitchen here, open kitchen lifestyle gets the play of incisively and vividly.

田园般的诗情画意在竹藤的编织中体现得淋漓尽致。Rural the poetics picture meaning like is in of Zhu Teng in braiding, reflect incisively and vividly.

闪金与柔黄的经典搭配,正将浪漫的情怀演绎得更加淋漓尽致。Flash gold and soft classical collocation of yellow, are of romantic feelings more incisively and vividly.

我敏锐地感到这将是一个非常值得记录的事件。因此我迅速制定好计划,将这一新闻事件进行了报道。I incisively noticed it a valuable news material, thus rapidly setting down the plan and reporting in time.

而这次,我演得很过瘾,体能和表现都发挥得淋漓尽致。But this time, I develop very much satisfy a craving, the physical ability and the performance display incisively.

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在社会热点事件的报道中,网络媒体的独特优势体现的淋漓尽致。In the report of social heat incident, the incisively and vividly that the distinct advantage of network media reflects.

在设计风格上,古典的清新淡雅和现代的明艳欢快都发挥得淋漓尽致。On design style, classic pure and fresh quietly elegant and contemporary Ming Yan are lively develop incisively and vividly.

碳浓度分布函数可以更加深刻地描述多段法渗碳的物理本质。With the carbon concentration function, the physical meaning of the multi stage carburizing can be described more incisively.

还有在公司客户不断增加的情况下,这种快速多变会表现得更加淋漓尽致。In addition, under the situation of the company's customer continue to increase, this character will show more incisively and vividly.

把一个恶霸刻画得淋漓尽致。表现了对恶势力的揭露和抨击。The features of a local despot are portrayed incisively and graphically, revealing Zhang's desire to expose and attack improper power.

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今日的大众传媒在大众文化的熏陶下,早已淋漓尽致地表现出文化的消费主义倾向。Today populace media in under mass culture gradually influencing, already incisively displays the culture the expense principle tendency.

他的小说风格有着纯美和丑恶的“两极化”趋势,这两个极端世界在刘庆邦笔下却书写的同样淋漓尽致。Although His novel style has the polarization trend of sweet and ugly, he has described the most same vividly and incisively in two extremes worlds.

公元11世纪起,随着拜占庭内部矛盾的加剧和突厥民族的兴起,双方在小亚地区爆发了冲突。From 11th century, along with the Byzantium internal contradictions and Turks growing up, they erupted the incisively conflict in the Asia Minor area.

同时,陶渊明也夹锐地指出,在异化的社会中,知识分子如何寻求属于自己特有的精神家园。At the same time, he pointed out incisively a question that how intellectual pursued the mental world belonging themselves in the society of alienation.

阴森恐怖的氛围下,故事开展起来,主人公之间的冲突又淋漓尽致的展现出来。In the gloomy and horrific atmosphere, the story is unfolded, and the conflicts between the leading characters are also revealed incisively and vividly.

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作者对目前国内PVC树脂的生产销售形势、市场行情及价格走势进行了精辟的剖析。The author is right at present production of domestic PVC resinous sells situation, market level and price to go situation undertook be analysinged incisively.

又一片落叶从我眼前飘过,是啊,这世上数不清有多少叶子绿过,绿的时候,她们尽情地绿,淋漓尽致地绿。Also a leaf drifting away from my eyes, is ah, this world had lost count of the number of green leaves, green time, they enjoy to green, incisively and vividly green.

未来需要的是有高度思想觉悟,能敏锐地接受各种新的信息,做出判断,做出正确的反映,能说会写,有一定的文化修养的人才。In the future, we require people who can think more profoundly, can incisively accept new information and make correct decision, can talk and write and have some literacy.