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好,好,拿上一个油炸圈饼。Here, take another donut.

我看到一朵象面包圈的云。I see a cloud that looks like a donut.

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蟠桃种在花草当中。The donut peach stands among my other plants.

邻近的建筑自然是甜甜圈店。The neighboring building is naturally a donut shop.

你知道那个在小胡同的交叉口烤面包圈的人吗?Do you know the donut man who lives across the lane?

平均每个炸圈饼里含有接近300卡路里的热量。The average donut contains approximately 300 calories.

迪克斯坦说,这是只有在巴尔的摩犹太甜甜圈店。Dickstein says it's the only kosher donut shop in Baltimore.

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富有创意的荷马·辛普森造型杯,可用来加热饼干和炸面圈。Creative Homer Simpson inspired cookie and donut warming mug.

工作时选择健康点的零食,别老是盯着甜面圈盒子。Choose healthier snacks at work. Learn to think out of the donut box.

工作中选择较健康的点心。学会考虑油炸圈饼盒以外的东西。Choose healthier snacks at work. Learn to think outside of the donut box.

巡警给我开了张罚单,说我开车太慢!Can you believe it?The donut ranger gave me a ticket for driving too slow!

两只鹿闯进一间新天堂甜甜圈的时候被抓拍到了。And two deer were caught on tape after breaking into a New Haven donut shop.

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让所有人都使用的名称,包装和邓肯甜甜圈概念。Both allow the owner to use the name, packaging and the Dunkin' Donut concept.

这就是少年老成的公牛而且他们还在不断成长,是的我们“杀鸡取卵”,把篮筐当成圈饼一样肆虐。Old Baby Bulls and they now so grown up, Yea we takin ova, dunkin like a donut.

安大略湖的惠比特是世界上人均油炸圈饼店最多的地方。Whitby, Ontario has more donut stores per capita than any other place in the world.

谁是打算买50美分,饼干时,他们可以购买价格的一半甜甜圈?Who’s going to buy a cookie for 50 cents when they can buy a donut for half that price?

漂亮的粉色米团带红豆馅,像是中国的果酱甜甜圈。只是味道不重。Purdy pink rice cake filled with red bean paste, like a Chinese jam donut. It was a bit plain though.

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误差熵环的带宽取构成边界线的各线段误差熵的加权平均值。The band width of error entropy donut can be determined by weighted average error entropy of all line segments.

这还可以时刻提醒你因为在你把涂着巧克力的甜甜圈放进嘴里前你会再三思考。It will also keep you on track because you'll think twice before putting that chocolate-covered donut in your mouth.

建起网页又不让人知道它的存在就好像是开了一个油炸饼店而又不告诉当局一样。To put up a Web page and not let people know of its existence is like opening a donut shop and not telling the police.