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它的监狱。Its jail.

它的名字?Its name?

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它是牠的。It is its.

它的两张网。Its two webs.

闭其门。Close its doors.

我是英语的主人。I am its master.

它的颜色是红色。Its color is red.

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它的红眼睛好酷。Its eyes are red.

它的树干是大的。Its trunk is big.

偷走它的能量。Steal its energy.

一只藏在窝里的狼。A wolf in its lair.

公正性是其灵魂。Equity is its soul.

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我在它黑暗的刺中哭泣着。In its dark thorns.

它的名子叫花花。Its name is Huahua.

在切割中发出警告。Severs its warning.

我们哀悼它的消失。We lament its loss.

词根是什么?What are its roots?

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苹果和他的苹果标志。Apple and its apple.

因为江心屿的名气很大。Because of its fame.

它的根是短的。Its roots are short.