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有些公羊有回旋状的角。Some rams have convoluted horns.

这条蛇紧紧地盘绕着。The snake's coils were tightly convoluted.

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蛇在羊肠小道上爬行。The snake slithered through a convoluted path.

是否需要更加复杂的构建过程?Does it necessitate a more convoluted build process?

大脑的神经细胞微小、复杂其包裹得非常浓密。The brain's neurons are small, convoluted and very densely packed.

但在你印象里,现实世界却扭曲得多,复杂得多。But the real world, you recall, is far more twisted and convoluted.

程序员们不喜欢让人费解的设计和过于机械化的模块。Programmers don't like convoluted designs or overengineered modules.

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检查前万向节轴上的回旋式风箱是否损坏。Check the convoluted air bellows on the front cardan shaft for damage.

它们暗含“以复杂、费解的辩论来曲解真相”的意思。They suggest distortion of the truth through complex, convoluted reasoning.

今天,在错综复杂的食物链上,问题可能出现在任何环节。Today, problems can arise from any link or kink in a convoluted food chain.

肾小球及近曲小管受缺血损害最重。The glomeruli and proximal convoluted tubules suffer most from this ischemia.

你变得心灰意冷,因为它让你陷入错综复杂的消极的思维网络中,难以自拔。Your mind becomes frozen, as it gets caught up in a web of convoluted negative thoughts.

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但是,附睾是如此地迂回蟠曲,以至于并不比睾丸本身长。However, it is so twisted and convoluted that it seems no longer than the testicle itself.

肾近曲小管细胞的胞质内有大量溶酶体。A lot of lysosomes were seen in the cytoplasm of the renal proximal convoluted tubule cells.

这个例子要比前面的例子更复杂一点,但是原理仍然非常简单。This is a little more convoluted than the previous examples, but is still pretty straightforward.

睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis.

长期的科研生涯为阿布拉莫夫造就了出众的理性思维,这也帮助他在当时俄罗斯错综复杂的金属供货链运作中显得更加游刃有余。His sharp scientific mind was ideal for tackling the intricacies of Russia's convoluted supply chains.

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如今的关键问题在于找到一个有效益的方法,让这些作物走出实验室,跳出过去的复杂常规。The trick is finding a profitable way to get these crops out of the lab and past convoluted regulations.

这一集比其他任何一集都更多地展示出前两季故事那复杂的时间线。This episode, more than others, reveals the convoluted chronology of stories from the first two seasons.

没人喜欢发送令人云山雾罩的邮件,同样也没人想收到诘诎聱牙的邮件。No one likes to send long, convoluted emails, and no one likes to receive long, convoluted emails either.