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然而,法院下达的命令有时候会凌驾于这条规定。Court orders sometimes overrule that.

你的情绪否决了你的肚子和疲劳。Your emotions overrule your stomach and fatigue.

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如今审查会就像大陪审团,有了否决检察官决定的大权。The grand-jury-like panels now have the power to overrule prosecutors.

主裁判似乎改了边裁的判罚,给了事实上不该有的点球。The referee seemed to overrule the linesman and give a penalty that wasn't.

最后,法官通常会简单地否决明确适用的前例。Finally, a judge may always simply overrule the clearly applicable precedent.

医生穆雷–作为一个比紧急救护技术员更权威的医护人员–有否决护理人员说法的权力。Dr. Murray — as a higher medical authority than the EMTs — had the power to overrule them.

尽管财政部为两房提供了资金,但它制约联邦住房金融局的能力还十分有限。Despite bankrolling the GSEs, the Treasury has limited authority to overrule their regulator.

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在网球比赛中,如果主裁判认为一个球被错判界内或界外的话,他可以否决边裁的判决。In tennis the umpire can overrule the line judge if they think that a ball has been incorrectly called in or out.

根据规则,一旦他确定司线员做出的判决是错误的,他就可以改判。According to the law, he can overrule the decision of the line judge if he was sure that the line judge had made a wrong call.

对影响我们直觉的东西知道越多,当我们的理智有不同反应的时候,我们就能更多的推翻它。The more we know about what’s influencing our gut, the more we will be able to overrule it when reason dictates a different reaction.

六人委员会可能会推翻调查小组和主审行政法官的判定,但柯达公司或其投资者都不能指望这一点。It's possible that the commission will overrule both the staff and the chief ALJ, but it's not something Kodak or its investors can bank on.

驳回原告要求其他被告承担连带赔偿责任的诉讼请求。Overrule a plaintiff to require the other respondent the litigation solicit that the assumption connects to take liability to pay compensation.

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可是政府的宪法结构中并没有那一点可以赋予最高法院权利,令其仅凭不具文的自然法就足以翻推行政、立法部门的决定。But nothing in the constitutional structure of the government gives the Supreme Court authority to overrule the other branches on the basis of unwritten natural law.

实用主义者,包括现任的总理巴布拉姆·巴特拉伊在内,成功否决了那些不支持全面统一且仍公开反对该决议的空想家们。Pragmatists like the current prime minister, Baburam Bhattarai, managed to overrule party ideologues who do not want full integration and still openly oppose the deal.

Mignot认为光线和激素-褪黑素如此强烈地剥夺了斑马鱼的睡眠,使它们清除了任何前一天晚上的“睡眠债务”。Mignot says he thinks that light and the hormone it triggers — melatonin — suppress sleep in the fish so strongly, they overrule any 'sleep debt' from the night before.

企业经销商也抱怨通用和政府不恰当使用联邦破产保护法来反驳保护销售商的州法律。Auto dealers, too, have complained that G.M. and the administration are improperly trying to use the federal bankruptcy code to overrule state laws meant to protect car dealerships.

他认为,当然,建造经理的出现是一种潜在的划分,投资方有权利来否决建筑师的现场监督权力。He has in mind, surely, the emergence of the construction manager as a further sub-divided countervailing authority having the mandate to overrule the architect's on-site supervision.