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大牛,这就是敌楼。Daniel, this was a rampart.

我们是否在坍塌墙顶的一只锡杯中呆过。Were we in a tin cup on top of a busted rampart.

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再紧靠着这堵新墙,重新堆好尸骨。Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones.

如果你渴望财富的话,把你的钱存到壁垒城的矮人金库中吧。If you desire money, store it at the Dwarven Treasury in a Rampart.

面对着围着哥本哈根的、生满了绿草的城堡,是一幢高大的红房子。EAR the grass-covered rampart which encircles Copenhagen lies a great red house.

面面对着围着哥本哈根的、生满了绿草的城堡,是一幢高大的红房子。EAR the grass-covered rampart which encircles Copenhagen lies a great red house.

依偎着环抱着哥本哈根的,生满了绿草的城堡的,是一幢高大的红房子。Near the grass-covered rampart which encircles Copenhagen lies a great red house.

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我指着附近半倒塌的部分问到他们是否计划修缮。I pointed at a half-collapsed rampart nearby and asked if they planned to restore it too.

卢森堡国家馆的建筑就像一座壁垒,把中世纪的塔楼包围其中。The structure of the Luxembourg Pavilion looks like a rampart walling in medieval towers.

天堑固垒并被吹嘘为铁案板坯地下室墙壁和砖头。The solid rampart surrounded by moats boast as a iron-case with slab basements and bricks walls.

当博须埃和古费拉克回来时,半条街已被一座一人多高的堡垒堵塞住了。When Bossuet and Courfeyrac turned round, half the street was already barred with a rampart higher than a man.

这幅图上,西柏林人将东柏林人拉上了这座东德政府官方所谓的“反法西斯防卫墙”。Here West Berliners pull East Berliners up onto what the East German government officially called the "anti-fascist protective rampart.

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这些高大坚固的城墙使得皇城相府更像是一座城池或是一座堡垒。The strong rampart provides protection for all the structures built by the Chen family during the Ming and Qing dynasties, rendering the residence a look of a city or a fortress.

第二部分“中国银行业的市场结构”,主要是从市场集中度、规模经济和进出壁垒三个方面,分析中国银行业高度垄断型市场结构,并进一步说明了原因。The second chapter mainly analyzes causes of highly monopolized market structure from three aspects of market concentration, economics of scale and rampart of ingoing and outgoing.

既不能向您出示任何有权人士的推荐书来为我谋生得职,也拿不出一垒垒的获奖证书作为我的筹码。Also cannot show any authorization public figure's recommendation letter to you to come for me to make a living the duty, also cannot put out a rampart prize certificate to take my chip.

穿过圣保罗门,道路变得更狭窄,蜿蜒而上通往圣克莱尔城堡、诺阿耶别墅、耶尔城堡的遗迹和第一城墙。After passing through Porte Saint Paul, the streets get even narrowerand wind their way up to Castel Sainte Claire, Villa Noailles, and theremains of Hyères's château with its first rampart.

穿过圣保罗门,道路变得更狭窄,蜿蜒而上通往圣克莱尔城堡、诺阿耶别墅、耶尔城堡的遗迹和第一城墙。After passing through Porte Saint Paul, the streets get even narrower and wind their way up to Castel Sainte Claire, Villa Noailles, and the remains of Hyères's château with its first rampart.

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明初北京城南扩之后,部分河段被圈入城内,对当地的街道布局产生重要影响。As the rampart of Beijing was extended south in the early period of the Ming Dynasty, part of the river was included into the city, bringing great changes to the layout of streets in the area.