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他整整睡了一天。He napped the day away.

他砰的一声把箱子盖合上了。He s napped down the lid of the box.

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在机上小睡了一个小时左右,飞机抵达香港。I napped for about one hour on the plane and it landed in Hong Kong.

研究人员发现,男性只有在小睡之后才能掌握,而女性无论是否睡过都能掌握。Men only learned after a nap. Women learned whether they napped or not.

当1998年第一个分店在北京开业,人们在床上小憩。When the first store opened in Beijing in 1998, people napped on the beds.

我回头看了看后座,杰里米盯着车窗向外看,肖恩睡着了。I glanced in the back seat, where Jeremy stared out the window and Sean napped away.

绒圈锦又称起绒锦、起毛锦,是汉代新出现的一个织锦品种。Pile-loop Ikat, also called napped ikat or terry ikat, was originated in the Han Dynasty.

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该研究小组还用脑电图测量了参与者午睡中的大脑活动。The team also measured brain activity while subjects napped using an electroencephalogram.

午餐后,她们很快就疲倦了——这对我来说可是一大好事——下午一两点钟时,她们开始打盹。They tired shortly after lunch—another fete in my honor—and napped in the early afternoon.

和尚的新洗干净的黄袍,挂在栏杆上晾干,一个女人在桌上打盹儿。Monks’ yellow robes, freshly laundered, hung on railings to dry, and a woman napped at her desk.

更重要的是,与那些午饭后小睡的人相比他们的工作能力和记忆力都有所下降。More importantly, their capacities to work and memorize decreased in comparison to those who napped after lunch.

研究发现他们在放置与他们小睡时听到的声音线索相匹配的图片时正确率更高。They were much better at correctly placing the images for which they had heard the noise cues while they napped.

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北秦岭为一复杂构造带,形成向北反转的叠瓦状逆冲推覆构造。The north Qinling is a complicated structural zone, forming an imbricated thrust napped structure overturning northward.

当志愿者分别在静止和摇晃的床上睡觉时对大脑进行扫描,结果发现摇床能够增加大脑活动。Volunteers were scanned when they napped in stationary and in rocking beds, revealing enhanced sleep brain activity when rocking.

我会想念他,那个超级昏睡者,那个没精打采、高瘦笨拙,在球员休息室打盹,十五年里以啪嗒啪嗒的响声走拖步的年轻人。I'll miss the prodigious sleeper, the slouchy, gangly, drowsy kid who napped in the player lounge and shuffled around in flip-flops for the past 15 years.

我怀念大睡虫,这个15年来在选手休息室拖着鞋子晃来晃去,懒散,瘦长总是昏昏欲睡的孩子。I'll miss the prodigious sleeper, the slouchy , gangly, drowsy kid who napped in the player lounge and shuffled around in flip-flops for the past 15 years.

是中国的脐橙、蜜桔、甜柚、蜜梨、板鸭、灰鹅、草菇白莲、毛竹、瑞香之乡。It is home of Chinese naval orange, sweet orange, sweet pear, pomelo, dried salty duck, grey goose, grass mushroom, white lotus, napped bamboo, winter daphne.

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针对牛皮二层绒面革各工序工艺技术关键进行探讨,通过正确的工艺控制和选择合适的皮化材料,达到理想的绒面革效果。The process and key point for producing cattle napped split leather were discussed, and perfect results were gained with appropriate chemicals and technology.

他比较了在日本有90分钟午休要求的全日制幼儿园的儿童和其他只在需要时打盹的同龄儿童。He compared children who attended all-day pre-schools in Japan, where 90-minute naps are compulsory, with children of the same age who napped only when they needed to.

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘推覆带上古生界天然气为非烃类组分含量相对较低、烃类烃组分含量相时较高的煤成气。The Upper Paleozoic natural gas in the napped belt of the western margin of the Ordos basin is coal measure gas with lower non hydrocarbon and higher hydrocarbon component concentrations.