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拼一下。Spell it.

拼写检查。Spell checking.

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请拼读它。Please spell it.

使用拼写检查。Use spell check.

请问何如拼写?How do you spell it?

我今天没法讲全。I can't spell today.

一阵酷暑突然过去了。The hot spell broke.

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你怂么拼写它?How do you spell it ?

“他们拼对了吗?”“ They spell it right ?

你能拼一下你的名儿吗?。Can you spell your name?

你能拼拼你的名字吗?Can you spell it, please?

不认为我能把字拼出来。I'lleverbe able to spell.

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你能把它拼出来吗?Could you spell it for me?

她被魔咒镇住了。She's under a magic spell.

拼音书写查缉和校对。Spell check and proofread.

谁被魔咒镇住了?Who is under a magic spell?

你的名字可真难拼。Your name is hard to spell.

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你能拼下她的姓吗?Can you spell her last name?

提高学生拼写单词的能力。How do you spell pen? P-E-N.

你怎样拼读你的名字?How do you spell your name ?