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表达的是焦虑It illustrates angst.

“你可以理解他们的焦虑”。You can understand their angst.

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我已经不再给少男少女写抒发焦虑的歌。I am past writing angst songs for kids.

或者也许那仅仅只是“青春期焦虑”。Perhaps it was no more than "teen angst".

她是这用正面思考来疏解自己焦虑的情绪。She tried to temper her angst by thinking positively.

他们的情绪处于一种波动的焦虑状态。Their mood is in a kind of fluctuant angst condition.

不同于西方,中国没有恐怖的炸弹。Im Gegensatz zum Westen hat China keine Angst vor der Bombe.

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神经症中则以焦虑性神经症最易引起阳痿。In neurosis cause the most easily with angst sex neurosis impotent.

此次转移还导致了德国出现大量工作岗位的减少和失业焦虑。It left Germany with lost jobs and a bad case of post-industrial angst.

这次的区别还在于马竞的存在感焦虑以外的东西。This time the difference was about more than Atlético's existential angst.

这张专辑证明了其音乐的成长,已摆脱青少年的焦虑情绪。This is proof that Trent Reznor has finally grown out of the teenage angst.

2012年中国的不确定因素和民众焦虑感异于往常。The year 2012 in China featured a very unusual degree of uncertainty and angst.

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媒体的衬着也在加重人们应付单身只身女性的发急和反感。The media fuels and foments the public angst and aversion to women's single status.

德国大学也没有因为博洛尼亚进程得到额外的钱,这是忧虑的另一个来源。Nor did universities get extra money for the Bologna process, a source of much angst.

设想一下你再次意识到自己终将回归虚无时而要饱受的内心煎熬吧。Just think of that next time you suffer angst about your impending return to nothingness.

这简直就像一部怀旧电影,很快就进入了存在主义的焦虑时刻。This was like a bad film, quickly escalating into one of those existential angst moments.

这份清单在手,你将为你自己和你的合作伙伴减少许多忧虑。By keeping this checklist handy, you’ll save yourself and your co-founders a lot of angst.

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这个也许不容易做到,但是这是消除矛盾的最好办法。I’m not saying that it’s easy, but it is the best way to minimize conflict and angst in life.

一种是被测验者出现“测验性焦虑”,使其测验分数达不到他应有的水平。One kind is quizzee appears " exam sex angst " , make short of of its test score his due level.

从生理学角度讲,微笑有助于缓解忿怒和焦虑。它会让你的身心愉悦。The physiology of smiling diffuses a lot of anger and angst. It makes your body and soul feel better.