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我将要给了它一个力矩。I've given it a little torque.

如果你们对一个旋转的轮子加力。So you apply a torque to a spinning wheel.

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现在我将会朝这个方向使力。Now I'm going to torque it in this direction.

倾斜枷锁开始设计提供高扭矩。Canted yoke design provides high start torque.

作用力的方向是哪个呢,R经过。F In what direction is that torque? R cross F.

我将分析点Q的力矩。Now I'm going to take the torque about point Q.

压接,焊接,扭矩和过程控制。Press-fit, jointing, torque and process control.

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稳恒磁场中磁偶极子的转矩。Torque on a Magnetic Dipole in a Constant Field.

角动量会像这样,力是,像这样。Angular momentum goes like this, torque is like this.

旋转的角动量会开始,跟随那个力。Spin angular momentum will start to chase the torque.

它的额定电压为325马力和336磅英尺的扭矩。It is rated at 325 horsepower and 336 lb-ft of torque.

扭矩是力转动的对应量。Remember, torque is the rotational analog of the force.

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这里的力矩,会超过黑板的范围。The torque in this case would be out of the blackboard.

所以我要选择,相对于Q点的力矩。And so I'm going to take the torque relative to point Q.

测功器通常用于检测发动机的输出扭矩。The dynamometer is normally used to check engine torque.

这一历史性的V型双已调整扭矩运动。This monumental V-twin has been tuned for Torque sports.

转盘不能转了,扭矩太大了。The rotary bable can't rotate . There is too much torque.

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扭杆和电位器是转向传感器的关键部件。The torque bar and potentiometer are key parts of the EPS.

设计齿轮组时至考虑扭矩是不够的。When designing a gearset one cannot consider torque alone.

如果成线,就不存在力矩。If they're exactly lined up, there is no longer any torque.