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它在各个层面上都存在制度的不负责任。It contains institutional irresponsibility at every level.

没错,希腊正在为过去不负责任的财政政策付出代价。Yes, Greece is paying the price for past fiscal irresponsibility.

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这样的信仰使得慎到这样的人,任性顽固,不负责任。Such believe led to their self-will, obstinacy and irresponsibility.

我们不能赖账,就连以此作为威胁都是不负责任之尤。And even threating something like that is the height of irresponsibility.

你的信贷记录将会因此而毁坏。Your credit history could be damaged because of the co-signer's irresponsibility.

所有身外一切东西,全都令人可怕地反复申明,自脱干系。All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration.

对于里根经济政策的抨击通常集中在不断增加的社会不公正和政府财政的责任缺失。Attacks on Reaganomics usually focus on rising inequality and fiscal irresponsibility.

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但是参议院有明文规定,来阻止那种不负责任的行为。But there were Senate rules in place designed to prevent that kind of irresponsibility.

在一个货币联盟内,一颗老鼠屎可以坏了一锅粥。In a monetary union, irresponsibility by one member endangers the well-being of others.

无责任能力人致人损害的行为与不法侵害的问题。The destroy action of irresponsibility person and the problem of the actualizing action.

海鸥乔纳森•利文斯顿,总有一天,你会懂得不负责任是不行的。one day Jonathan Livingston Seagull, you shall learn that irresponsibility does not pay.

美国政府的这一做法是对全球环境不负责任的表现。The US Government's refusal reflects its irresponsibility towards the global environment.

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不问这些风暴的性质如何,其中人负不了责任。Whatever the nature of these tempests may be, human irresponsibility is mingled with them.

我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果。Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some.

你一直听到这样的答案,即欧元危机是不负责任的财政政策造成的。The answer you hear all the time is that the euro crisis was caused by fiscal irresponsibility.

我们将填补漏洞以阻止这些已显现的鲁莽和不负责任的行为。We would also close loopholes to stop the kind of recklessness and irresponsibility we’ve seen.

克林顿谴责布什,将这样的烂摊子移交给2008的接任者,是不负责任的。Clinton accused President Bush of irresponsibility for turning the situation over to a successor in 2008.

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不调查、不研究、提起笔来“硬写”,这就是不负责任的态度。It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and "force ourselves to write" without investigation or study.

他说,美国糟糕的经济形势是“由于某些人的贪婪和不负责任而导致的”。The woeful state of the economy, he said, is “a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some”.

但是中国指责美国对于贸易失衡的事不关己并表示本身不能应付过快升值。But China blames American irresponsibility for the trade imbalance and says it cannot cope with rapid appreciation.