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我们开车兜兜风好吗?Shall we go for a ridden a car?

艇长曾很厉害地压制他。The captain had ridden him hard.

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彼得治愈了一个叫以尼雅,瘫痪了的人。Peter heals a bed ridden man called Aeneas.

我的钱从来不曾押在那匹棕色的马上。My money has never ridden on that brown horse.

马尼拉完全是犯罪粪坑。Manila is a complete and crime ridden cesspool.

母马怀孕时不能骑。Mares may not be ridden when they are with foal.

我们把这匹驯良的马骑得都走不动了。We had ridden the willing horse to a standstill.

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霍兰先生许多年不骑车了。Mr. Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years.

一些特克斯可能很难当陌生人缠身。Some Tekes may be difficult when ridden by strangers.

到城里来住以后我就没怎么踩过车了。I haven't ridden my bike much since I've lived in the city.

我已经充满从费尔班克斯向普拉德霍湾约12个小时。I had ridden from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay in about 12 hours.

我的衬裙已经蹿到臀部,厚厚地卷成一圈。My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips.

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过了一会儿,那三位律师到了一处山泉水池旁边,他们停下来,让马喝水。Soon the three lawyers who had ridden ahead stopped at a spring to

在新政权的治理下,这个饱受战乱之苦的国家情况会有所改变。Things in this war- ridden country will change under the new regime.

他们没看过电影,没听过收音机,没乘过汽车。He had never seen a movie, never heard a radio, never ridden in a car.

我还从未坐过马车,也未曾出过家门。I had never before ridden in a carriage nor even been out of the house.

复活赛只赛一次,运动员可以是二人或者三人一组。Repechages shall be ridden with two or three riders , in a single heat.

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新加坡的经济在亚洲财富快速增长的浪潮中乘风破浪。Singaporeans have ridden the wave of increasing wealth throughout Asia.

性情再恶劣的马,也会出现有本事的人来骑它。Even the most ill-natured horses can be ridden by the right kind of rider.

之前,我从未骑过一年以上的自行车,更不要说在马路上。Before that, I hadn't ridden a bike for over a year, let alone on the road.