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“来牙买加吧”,背景声音说。Come to Jamaica says the voice.

我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加。Our next landfall should be jamaica.

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西非荔枝果是牙买加的国果。Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica.

牙买加有世界上最大的燕尾蝶。The largest swallowtail lives in Jamaica.

后来他成为了牙买加的总督Later he was made the governor of Jamaica.

路易-辛普森1923年生于牙买加。Louis Simpson was born in Jamaica in 1923.

我想出门旅行,去看看巴黎和牙买加。I’d like to travel, to see Paris and Jamaica.

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牙买加是一个疟疾非流行国家。Jamaica is a non-endemic country for malaria.

世界最大的雷盖音乐节日在牙买加。The world's greatest reggae festival in Jamaica.

牙买加运动员乌塞恩.博尔特是世界上跑得最快的人。Usain Bolt of Jamaica is the world's fastest man.

DEC盐的唯一供应商来自牙买加。DEC salt comes from a single salt producer in Jamaica.

岛上的居民现在与牙买加同义。The inhabitants of the island are now synonymous with Jamaica.

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约翰别无选择,从墨西哥、芝加哥、牙买加各地追凶。John had no choice, from Mexico, Chicago, Jamaica around the Pupil.

是谁将独立准予伊拉克和牙买加然后又将它转让给美利坚?Who granted independence to Iraq and Jamaica and ceded it to the USA?

牙买加、圣卢西亚、安圭拉岛也有类似被搁置的大型发展项目。Other large developments are on hold in Jamaica , St Lucia and Anguilla.

南非在赢得了与牙买加队和泰国队的比赛之后,从第90位上升至第83位。South Africa move from 90th to 83rd after wins over Jamaica and Thailand.

我没有意识到在牙买加和埃塞俄比亚之间存在着如此多的历史。I was not aware that so much history between Jamaica and Ethiopia existed.

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嗯,让我们欢迎拥有美妙声音的来自牙买加金斯顿的小女孩。Yeah. We wanna welcome to Kingston Jamaica a sister who has a great voice.

解放公园和牙买加的海滩也不错吧?What about The Emancipation Park and the most beautiful beaches in Jamaica?

去年,牙买加生产了27万桶共计16,200吨优选咖啡豆。Last year, Jamaica produced 270,000 boxes, or 16,200 tonnes of premium beans.