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我正在上大夜班。I am on my graveyard shift.

主线剧情﹐逃出荒岛的墓场。Escape from the graveyard of terror.

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一个骆马和驴子骨头的墓地!A graveyard of llama and donkey bones!

此时此刻,就有两个潜伏者隐藏在荒废的墓地里。Two of them lurked in the ruined graveyard.

德拉姆克利夫有一座古老的墓地。At Drumcliff there is a very ancient graveyard.

这里也有一大片格斗者的墓地。It is also the site of a large Gladiator graveyard.

他建议说我们可以在我的大夜班之后一路去吃工具。He suggested we should go to eat after my graveyard shift.

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一天晚上在坟场他和费恩、贝琪撒切尔看到了三个男人。One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men.

在地图中,往北的指路牌,有一个墓地。In the map just north of the signpost there is a graveyard.

这视墓地距死亡地点多远而定。It really depends on how far from a graveyard that you die.

清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew.

午夜时分,这个荷兰人进入了公墓地界。At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard.

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他提议说咱们没去外国国家国家疑题在我的大夜班之后一起去吃物品。He suggested we get to go to eat despite my graveyard shift.

他建议说我们没去外国疑问在我的大夜班之后一起去吃东西。He suggested we have to go to eat despite my graveyard shift.

圣诞夜芬兰的墓地呈现出一幅激动人心的景象。A Finnish graveyard is a breath-taking sight on Christmas Eve.

布朗从政治墓地反攻的事迹可能成为史诗。Mr Brown's fightback from the political graveyard would be epic.

因此,美国被喻为语言的坟墓。Hence the description of america as a " graveyard" for languages.

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鬼魂死亡后会使玩家重现在最近的墓地。Dying as a ghost will make you re-appear at the nearest graveyard.

黑绿重要的主题之一就是掘坟。Graveyard recursion is a huge theme for the green and black guild.

她表达了死后葬在故乡的墓地上的愿望。She expressed the wish to be interred in the graveyard of hometown.