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为了进行对比,测试页面还提供一些内置的工具提示。For comparison, your test page will also illustrate some built-in tooltips.

而且,这些更为精致的工具提示的所有参数都是可配置的。And, all of the parameters of these more elaborate tooltips are configurable.

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许多变形形态的图标更新,现在相同的技能拥有一致的图标。Many shapeshift form tooltips have been updated to be consistent with each other.

注意当光标在元素上移动时工具提示是如何出现和消失的。Notice how the tooltips appear and disappear as you move your cursor over the elements.

由于工具提示不支援这项功能,因此,根据预设,连字号只会显示为一般字元。ToolTips do not support this capability, so by default, ampersands are just displayed as normal characters.

在同一页上的表内使用嵌体,重叠,和消息提醒框,以保持用户的顺畅操作。Use Inlays, Overlays, and tooltips for showing details on the same page with the table to maintain user’s flow.

雷暴护甲和卡利姆多之怒造成的附加伤害在注释中明确的注释为自然伤害。Clarified the tooltips for the Stormshroud armor and Kalimdor's Revenge to explain that they deal Nature damage.

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此外,你还可以加入一些简单的jQuery动画或jQuery工具提示,从而可以根据需要展现更多的信息。You could also include some simple jQuery animations or jQuery tooltips that would reveal more information on demand.

但是技能说明里面没有提到不论什么关于额外威胁值的说明?比如说盾牌猛击和破甲都有说明。But the tooltip doesn't make any mention of added threat like the tooltips for other abilities like Shelloeld Slam and Sunder Armor.

行动提示将告知玩家哪些行为是在水下可用,或是乱斗不可用,或是仅能在公共地区使用。Action tooltips will inform the user when an action is useable in water, not useable in a brawl, or when it is useable only in public.

如果启用这个选项,当鼠标移动到按钮图标上时,图标会被放大。When this option is selected informational tooltips will appear when the mouse cursor moves over the icons, buttons and applets in the panel.

只有当使用者的鼠标放在某个对象上大约1秒的时间后,它才会显示帮助信息。First of all, ToolTips have a well-timed lag that displays the helpful information only after a user has dwelled on the item for a second or so.

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Cooper认为,在线帮助和工具提示实际上更好地满足了中级用户而并非初学者,因为他们的需求略有不同。Cooper thinks that online help and tooltips actually best serve intermediate users rather than beginners since their needs are slightly different.

在图表中移动光标时,打开工具提示可以让您即时查看图表中显示的指标的基本信息。Turning on tooltips allows you to instantly see some basic information about the metrics displayed in the chart as you move your cursor over the chart.

有些可能会学得更慢一些,但像其他平行的教学命令向量一样可以确保用户学会。First-time users will either be clever enough to learn from the ToolTips or will learn more slowly, but just as reliably, from other, parallel, pedagogic command vectors.