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有时,你将被允许选择自己的鉴定。Sometimes, you will be allowed to choose your own appraiser.

评价房地产进入非常深入的讨论发挥何种作用的估价是和如何进行评估。What the role of an appraiser is and how to conduct an appraisal.

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我想跟您约个时间,我们的估价师会到您的住所去。I wanted to schedule a time for our appraiser to come out to your loft.

司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人应该中立。Judicial expertise institution and judicial appraiser should be neutral.

例如你可以雇一名职业的评估师来对房地产进行估值。In real estate, for example, you canhire a professional appraiser to do it for you.

以实物资产为例,你可以雇用一位专业的评估师来为你做这些。In real estate, for example, you can hire a professional appraiser to do it for you.

专家和鉴定人可以是中国或外国的机构或公民。Such an expert or appraiser may be either a Chinese or foreign organization or citizen.

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当事人经仲裁庭许可,可以向鉴定人提问。Upon the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may question the appraiser.

关胜,黄冈分公司总经理,土地估价师,房地产估价师。Guan Sheng, General Manager of Huanggang Branch. He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser.

多少年后,他找到了一份工作,作为一名房地产估价师,为联邦住房当局在亚特兰年夜。Several years later he took a job as a real estate appraiser for the Federal Housing Administration in Atlanta.

司法鉴定人制度在国际刑事诉讼中具有重大理论价值和实践意义。Forensic Appraiser system has very important theoretical and practical value in international criminal litigation.

汉弗瑞先生,我是布鲁克林不动产局的加尔。我想和你定一个方便的时间,去你的阁楼估价。Mr. humphrey? it's gail from brooklyn realty. I wanted to schedule a time For our appraiser to come out to your loft.

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为此,鉴定人应当主要从五个方面培训、学习、提高接受质证的能力。Consequently, an appraiser should study and be trained from five aspects to enhance the ability of accepting cross-examination.

所有贷款所需的费用﹐包括手续费﹐点数和完成费。Estimate of all other closing costs for this loan. This should include filing fees, appraiser fees and any other misc. fees paid.

独立评估师确定的价值应当为双方在进行本收购程序时采用的价值。The value determined by the Independent Appraiser shall be the value adopted by the Parties for purposes of this buy-out provision.

现任锋尚国际房地产开发有限公司董事长,中华人民共和国注册房地产估价师。The current Tiptop International Real Estate Development Co. , Ltd. , Chairman, Peoples Republic of certified real estate appraiser.

考试通过的,经公示无异议后,由国土资源部颁发矿业权评估师资格证书。Those passing the examination, after public notice to which there is no objection, will be issued a Mineral Right Appraiser Qualification Certificate.

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与此同时,沃龙佐夫在莫斯科准备抢劫国家珍宝库,这样就可以掩盖珠宝鉴定师们偷窃珠宝的真相。Vorontsov, meanwhile, robbed the national treasure in Moscow for library, so you can cover up the truth of the jewelry appraiser who are stealing jewelry.

根据当事人的请求或者仲裁庭的要求,鉴定部门应当派鉴定人参加开庭。According to the claim of the parties or the request of the arbitration tribunal, the appraisal organ shall appoint an appraiser to participate in the hearing.

银行评估师不会给你的房产定价,只是用卖价作为起点,然后用合理性进行检验。Instead of trying to pinpoint the exact value for your house , the bank appraiser will use the selling price as a starting point , and then test it for reasonableness.