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人能在体力比得过汤姆。No one can match up to Tom in vigor.

我自感体力已退化了。I definitely felt a deterioration in vigor.

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这些女孩充满青春活力。These girls are bursting with youthful vigor.

他姐姐也是有霸气的女人。His elder sister is also a woman of great vigor.

细胞的疲倦成就了生物体的活力。The weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism.

这是保持党的生机和活力的根本所在。This is where the vigor and vitality of the Party lies.

早熟,植株生长稳健,开花至成熟26-28天。Early maturity, 26-28 days from flowering, stable vigor.

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因麻痹或缺乏活力而导致的的状态。Inactivity resulting from torpidity and lack of vigor or energy.

印尼是一个朝气蓬勃、充满希望的发展中大国。Indonesia is a big developing country full of vigor and promise.

男人们经常将一满头头发和年轻,具有活力联系起来。Men typically associate a full head of hair with youth and vigor.

和氏璧应积极的公司充满生机和活力。NCM should be a positive company that full of vigor and vitality.

你们能够全面地发展,学校就充满生机与活力。You can develop a comprehensive school full of vigor and vitality.

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六月廿一至廿二日的浸大商学院充满了生气和活力。On 21-22 June, the School of Business was full of vigor and spirits.

一种抑制人CYP1A酶活力的天然黄酮类化合物。One kind suppresses the person CYP1A enzyme vigor natural flavonoid.

研究了不同老化处理时间下,喜树种子活力的变化。The paper researches the seed vigor change from Camptothea Acuminata.

在各条战线上都有精力充沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.

简这才恢复了一些活力,开始找寻自己生活的新目标。Some of Jane's vigor returned, but she questioned her purpose in life.

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激发城市活力,丰富旅游新景点。This method can stimulate the city vigor and add the new tourist spot.

而展示更新是为展示注入新生命和活力,以使展示更臻完美。Exhibition renewal pours new vigor and life and looks for the perfection.

以下是对部份美国大城市文化生活的简单描述,从一个侧面反映了美国文化艺术的活力和丰富多采。Find out more about the vigor and variety of America’s artistic heritage.