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木材常用杂酚油涂抹以防腐烂。We first treated the wood with creosote.

接触木馏油可能存在一些危险。Exposure to creosote may present certain hazards.

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褐煤油是从褐煤中得来的防腐油。Lignite oil is creosote derived from lignite tar.

木材常用杂酚油涂抹以防腐烂。Timber is often treated with creosote to deter rot.

用油漆,着色剂,杂酚油或其他防腐剂处理。Treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives.

如果你不时用杂酚油对它加以防腐处理,它就会经久耐用。It will last a long time if you creosote it every now and then.

它也用来起强化防腐油的杀菌作用。It has also been used to fortify the fungicidal action of creosote.

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锌盐和防腐油的混合物也已广泛地被采用。Combinations of zinc salts and creosote have also been widely employed.

在染料制造商和防腐油的使用者之间没有发生对立的“争夺战”。There was no "tug of war" between dye manufacturers and creosote users.

要避免使用咋酚等油漆过的木材做框架。Avoid the use of creosote or pentachlorophenol treated lumber for bed frames.

木馏油可能是一种人体致癌物,也还没有登记的住宅用途。Creosote is a possible human carcinogen and has no registered residential uses.

木焦油酚,甲氧甲酚一种无色到黄色的芳香液体,C8H10O2,是木焦油的组成部分。A colorless to yellow aromatic liquid, C8H10O2, that is a constituent of creosote.

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木馏油渗透深入,并且在压力处理的木材中保留很长时间。Creosote penetrates deeply into and remains in the pressure-treated wood for a long time.

1853年以前,防腐油已作为最可靠并能持久的木材防腐剂,而确立了它自己的地位。By 1853 creosote had established itself as a most reliable and persistent wood preservative.

沙漠里干旱炎热,植被稀少。仙人掌、约书亚树和石碳酸灌木就生活在沙漠中。Desert is very dry and hot, not many plants grow in the desert. Cacti, Joshua tree and creosote bushes are live in the desert.

公司最大的发展项目-“扎布耶盐湖”,近年内将形成500万平方米盐田和5000吨碳酸锂的生产规模。The largest-developing item----"ZhaBuYie saline". In recent years, there will become 5 million m2 saline and 5000T lithium creosote production scope.

这些产品的混合物许多化学品所造成的高温处理榉木等木材,煤炭,或从树脂的焦油布什。These products are mixtures of many chemicals created by high-temperature treatment of beech and other woods, coal, or from the resin of the creosote bush.