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我的儿子,他需要娱乐时间。My son, he needs his playtime.

请在娱乐时间和我玩。Please play with me at playtime.

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下课时间到了,伊莎贝尔被同学们围了起来。Playtime came and Isabel was surrounded.

父亲们倾向于指导游戏时间和鼓励孩子们冒险。Dads tend to direct playtime and encourage their kids to take risks.

让他明白夜晚是睡觉时间,而白天是玩耍和生活的时间。Let him learn that night is for sleeping and daytime is for socialization and playtime.

当你的宝宝渐渐长大,他白天睡觉的时间会越来越少,需要玩耍和刺激的时间就变多了。As your baby gets older, he'll need fewer daytime naps and more playtime and stimulation.

在日常生活中,有很多把游戏融入生活的方法。There are many ways in which you can incorporate playtime in the daily life of your baby.

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如果孩子还没到上学的年龄,就利用他们的玩乐时间和他们看的卡通。You can also use their playtime or the cartoons they watch if they're too young for school.

你可以推动乐趣和玩耍的,你是上瘾或自毁点。You could push for fun and playtime to the point that you are addicted or self-destructive.

拥有足够的玩耍时间以及能够与同学沟通对儿童很重要。Having sufficient playtime and being able to relate to classmates is very important for children.

其余的三个半小时,老师会教这些孩子们阅读、数学和艺术,或者是让他们自由地玩耍。The rest of the three-and-a-half-hour session is given over to simple reading and math, art and playtime.

比如,你可以在吃饭时玩游戏,也可以把其他日常活动与玩游戏相结合。For example, you can incorporate playtime with meal time and other recurring activities throughout the day.

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而照顾它们的方法也很简单,停止巡逻,做一些练习,给它们玩耍的时间,进行温和的服从性训练。Care can be as simple as taking a dog off patrol and giving it lots of exercise, playtime and gentle obedience training.

如果家里有稍大点的孩子,您也会希望让他参与到婴儿的游戏互动中。If you have older children in your home, you will also want to incorporate them into the playtime experience with a baby.

不过很难做到──因为家庭作业、锻炼、吃饭和游戏时间都要压缩在有限的放学和下班时间之内。But, it"s so hard -- homework, practice, dinner and playtime all need to be squeezed into a few post-school and work hours.

伪装类型的游戏和娱乐光阴可以赞助你的孩子开发智力,特别是如果您的孩子是1到3岁之间。Pretending type of games and playtime can help your develop intellectually, especially if your child is between ages 1 and 3.

这项研究真让人伤心。10个孩子里就有1个在玩乐的时候面对冷漠的父母。多可怜的孩子啊!What was most heartbreaking about the study was that one in 10 children sensed their parents' apathy towards playtime. Poor kids!

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研究人员发现,呀呀学步的孩子们在这个节目播放的时候玩耍的范畴和玩耍时间都要少于节目并未播放时。Researchers found that the toddlers had less focused play as well as less playtime altogether when the TV was on than when it was turned off.

电视做为一个连续的,不断变化的视听媒介,会吸引小孩的注意力,中断他们对自己游戏活动的关注。The TV acts as a constant, ever-changing audiovisual distracter , disrupting a childs efforts to remain attentive to their playtime activities.

帕塞克说,孩子如何学习与他们学习了什么同等重要,这也是应该鼓励孩子多出去玩的原因。According to Hirsh-Pasek, how you learn is as important as what you learn, which is why she encourages that babies and children get enough playtime.