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纳丁快速环视了一下,看看是否有她认识的人。Nadine to see if there was anyone that she knew.

我是美丽的女王有什么可以效劳的?Ahh! nadine the beauty queen. how can I help you?

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内丁。戈迪墨今年87岁,仍旧拒绝写自传。Nadine Gordimer is 87 this year and as resistant to autobiography as ever.

托尼·莫里森和纳丁·戈迪默是盛开在“‘他者’之域”的两朵文学奇葩。Toni Morrison and Nadine Gordimer are two prominent Nobel Prize Laureates.

她的妈妈纳丁是一名英语教师,她在美术馆展出过她的作品。Her mom Nadine is an English teacher who has shown her own art in galleries.

如今她22岁,正在法学院读书,可是已经借了更多的贷款去支付学费。Now 22, Nadine is attending law school, having signed for yet more loans to pay for that.

纳丁•布勒说,有天晚上在餐桌前,奥利维亚萌生了这样的想法,就是将她的画作为捐赠的回报送给人们。Nadine Bouler says Olivia came up with the idea to give her drawings in exchange for donations one night at the kitchen table.

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不同于传统机器人,纳丁有自己的个性、情绪和情感,她可以根据谈话内容表现出高兴或是悲伤。Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions. She can be happy or sad, depending on the topic.

然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜•多瑞斯对这一建议提出批评,她说高跟鞋带来的额外高度能在工作场所对女性有所帮助。Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.

在恶名远播后,Manu在一家小店内被认出并被店主枪杀,而Nadine在企图自杀前被警察逮捕。Eventually Manu is recognised in a shop and shot by its owner, while Nadine is arrested by the police before she can carry out an attempt to kill herself.

此外,戈迪默在小说中塑造罗莎这个代表人物的勇气和才智也应得到充分的认可。What is more, Nadine Gordimer's courage and talent to portray the character in the novel should be well recognized as much as the individual's self-development.

“你不能说Dostoevskaya车站里那些马赛克拼画是好是坏,但是它确实可以影响到那些精神状态已经很危险的人群。”Something like the mosaic at Dostoevskaya isn't all bad or good, but it can affect people already at risk, said Nadine Kaslow, a psychologist at Emory University.

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纳迪娜让巴蒂斯特,35岁和艾滋病毒阳性,最近离开了下来,从存储街道孤儿院她2岁的女儿克里斯蒂娜工棚里,她现在的生活。Nadine Jean-Baptiste, 35 years old and HIV-positive, recently left her 2-year-old daughter Christine at an orphanage down the street from the storage shed where she now lives.

当诺伊曼在八岁时决定她要成为一个奥运游泳选手,她过着正常的学校生活,同时体验着艰难的精英运动训练。When Nadine Neumann decides that she wants to be an Olympic swimmer at age eight, she trades a normal life of school friends and parties for the rigors of elite sports training.

凯莉-史密斯将面临的对手是德国队的安格勒与普林茨,巴西队的克里斯蒂安妮和玛塔。Smith will be up against German goalkeeper Nadine Angerer, Brazil's attacking pair of Cristiane and Marta, with the list completed by the formidable forward from Germany Birgit Prinz.

纳丁·戈迪默拥有南非小说家,编剧家以及人权主义者等多项头衔并且始终把南非的政治和社会变革视为其文学创作的主要来源。Nadine Gordimer, a South African fiction writer, scenarist, human rights activist, views political and social shifts of South Africa as the main original source of her literary creation.