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安妮·博林于1536年被斩首。Anne boleyn was beheaded in1536.

安妮。博琳是英王亨利的第二个妻子。Anne Boleyn was King Henry's second wife.

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亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne Boleyn.

博林也不禁情迷的牛排自然有其独特之处。Boleyn could not help but steak Passion has its unique nature.

他在法庭上被安妮.布乐琳所吸引。He turned his attentions to a maid of honor at court, Anne Boleyn.

安妮·博林是英国女王伊丽莎白一世的亲生母亲。Anne · Boleyn is Queen of England an Elizabeth th one's own mother.

安.博林成为英格兰的皇后不过3年,人生就开始迅速走下坡。Anne Boleyn was the Queen of England for three years before her life went downhill very quickly.

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随后亨利国王担心保罗在因格兰的权利,于是在1533年1月与安妮.布乐琳秘密结婚。The king then denied that the pope had authority over England. He secretly married Anne Boleyn in January 1533.

为了娶聪明老练的安妮博林,亨利八世和自己的原配离婚,迫使英格兰脱离了天主教。Henry VIII ripped England away from Catholicism to divorce his first wife and marry the witty and sophisticated Anne Boleyn.

随后他撤销了亨利八世与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳以及安妮·博林的婚姻,并使它和克利夫斯的安妮离婚。While in the post, he annuls Henry VIII's marriages to Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn and divorces him from Anne of Cleves.

他的妹妹,凯瑟琳,是伊丽莎白最喜爱的女一中,等待和王后非常慷慨,她博林亲属。His sister, Catherine, was one of Elizabeth's favourite ladies-in-waiting and the Queen was very generous to her Boleyn relatives.

兰帕德在钻石中场的前方,埃辛在后面而首次回到博林球场乔.科尔则坐在替补席上。Lampard is at the front of the diamond, Essien at the back while Joe Cole, on his first return to the Boleyn Ground, is on the bench.

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安妮很快被捕,并于1536年在伦敦塔被斩首。Anne Boleyn was soon arrested and beheaded at the Tower of London in 1536, and legend has it that on the orders of King Henry, her heart was torn out.

更有想象力,或者更灵巧的是安妮。波莱恩的办法,把头歪倒在走道上,或者赫伯。黑克把腿搁在前座的椅背上。The more imaginative – or just plain supple – favour the Anne Boleyn method, head flopping in the aisle, or even the Hobo Hook with leg over the sets in front.

达拉斯南卫理公会大学的卡特里娜·班克斯·怀特里博士和凯拉·克拉梅尔相信,亨利的前两任妻子阿拉贡的凯瑟琳和安妮·博林正属于以上所述的情况。Dr Catrina Banks Whitley and Kyra Kramer, of the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, believe that Henry’s first two wives Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn suffered this fate.

伦敦塔的高墙之中,王子被暗杀,叛国者受折磨,间谍被枪毙,英格兰王后被斩首,最著名的执刑之一便是1536年处死安妮•波恩。Within the wall of the Tower princes have been murdered, traitors tortured, spies shot, and Queens of England beheaded. One of the most famous executions was that of Anne Boleyn in 1536.