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你正在拯救我。And you're saving me.

但是,他为什么要如此节省?So, why is he saving?

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就是因为你救了波罗?。Just for saving Pullo?

格蕾丝的救赎第2季全。Saving Grace Season 2.

我在救你的命,朋友!I'm saving you, amigo !

俭省是致富之本。From saving comes having.

我不再“藏私”。I'm not "saving" anything.

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噢--拯救他的灵魂!Ah--the saving of his soul!

保存和重新运行测试。Saving and rerunning tests.

电脑排版,节省材料。Typeset and saving material.

甚至可能拯救生命。and maybe even saving lives.

能节士-您可信赖的能源节约卫士!CAS-Care all saving of energy!

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治病救人是我的工作。Saving people's lives is my job.

我们必须作出承诺去拯救海洋。We have to commit to saving them.

我正在攒钱以买一辆跑车。I'm saving up to buy a sports-car.

保存和导出宏文件。Saving and Exporting Macros Files.

具有防尘节能,高度保洁功能。It is energy saving and dust-proof.

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除了一片废墟外一无所有了。Nothing remains saving these ruins.

给人留面子是基本要求。Saving face is a fundamental value.

这就是他对她救命之恩的答谢。Such was her thanks for saving him.