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机身-装入接收机、电源。Fuselage---Install the receiver and pow er.

我会突然非常想吃宫保鸡丁。I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken.

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汉译英这一章是关于热能转化成动力的。The chapter is about the transformation of heat into pow er.

在这种地方建造战俘收容所本身就是一种残虐。Building a POW camp in a place like this is an atrocity in itself.

宫保鸡丁,鱼香肉丝还有西红柿炒鸡蛋。Kung Pow chicken, Yuxiang shredded pork and tomatoes fried with egg.

水刑是二战时期日本战俘守卫最喜欢的一种刑罚。The water torture was a favorite among Japanese POW guards during WWII.

我还知道他被捕,进了监狱,后来死在战俘营。I had also learned that he had been taken prisoner and later died in a POW Camp.

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啪!噼!砰!我问他为什么,他说是为了吸引树的注意力。Pow ! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

韩绍功率领弟兄们开端布置战略部署,打算对战俘营发起攻击。HanShaoGong brothers beginning with strategic plan, plan to decorate the pow attack.

啪!噼!砰!我问他为什么这样做,他说是为了引起树的注意。Slap! Pow ! I asked him why he did that, he said it was to get the tree's attention.

这个家伙说,他曾被一台设备洗脑过,就像当他在一个战俘营时。The guy said he had been brain-washed by a device like that when he was in a POW camp.

啪!噼!砰!我问他为什么这样做,他说是为了引起树的注意。Slap! Pow ! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

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基本状态包括连接、加电、缺省、编址、配置、挂起等。The basal states include attached, pow ered, default, address, configured, suspended, etc.

作为这场战争的牺牲品,在苏俄战俘和移民身上发生了什么呢?What happened to the victims of this military escapade, the soviet POW and relocated citizens?

早些时候回国的一名战俘从丹佛的一个经销商处弄到了一辆崭新的考文特牌汽车,一个月后,这车就撞得无法修理了。An earlier POW returnee was given a new Corvette by a Denver dealer and totaled it the next month.

人类对木材资源的利用有直接利用和加工利用两种途径。Utilization of geothermal energy in Hungary is only direct use, and there is not geothermal based pow.

当然啦,兰博的确是跟一大堆看守战俘营的越南士兵干上了,而且把他们都消灭了。Sure, Rambo takes on a huge chunk of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding a POW camp and slaughters them all.

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但是实测数值小型低压电流互感器次边开路电压有时并不高。But measured values obtained from low pow er and low voltage current transform ers som etim es are not high.

将要于九月三十日拍卖的这组照片是在柏林的战俘集中营拍摄的。The picture is one of a series taken at Stalag IIID PoW camp in Berlin that will be auctioned on 30 September.

战俘依然受军法约束,以及军人守则的道德指导。POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct.