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飞往阿克拉的班机一星期开两班。The flight to Accra goes twice a week.

现在,阿克拉的一条路被命名为乔治.W.布什。Now George W. Bush has his own road in Accra.

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库马西加纳中南部一城市,位于阿克拉西北。A city of south-central Ghana northwest of Accra.

让水流入家庭是个严峻的挑战,即使是在阿克拉。Water flow into homes is a big challenge, even in Accra.

加纳人参加了位于阿克拉的远程中心。The Ghanaians took part from a distance learning center in Accra.

奥巴马总统在阿克拉表示,非洲的未来取决于非洲人。But Obama also said in Accra that the future of Africa is up to Africans.

最近他与西非健康官员在加纳首都阿克拉会面。He recently met with West African health officials in the Ghanaian capital, Accra.

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而他们在阿克拉和布拉柴维尔的见闻和经历也将随他们传到温哥华和萨格勒布。What they learn in Accra and Brazzaville will travel with them to Vancouver and Zagreb.

仅仅三分钟之后,太阳又出来了,阿卡拉的居民重新回到了工作中。After just three minutes, the sun began to shine again. And the residents of Accra headed back to work.

布希在与迦纳总统库福尔在阿克拉共同举行的记者会上发表了上述讲话。The president made his comments alongside Ghana's president, John Kufour, at a press conference in Accra.

莫斯科和阿克拉之行将要列入一系列多国峰会之列。The appearances in Moscow and Accra will be bookends around another round of important multilateral summitry.

今年早些时候,奥巴马在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉分别发表演讲,用自己雄辩的讲话赢得了当地人的支持。In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra earlier this year, he used the full power of his rhetoric to win people over.

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21世纪的走势不仅取决于在罗马、莫斯科或华盛顿发生的情况,而且取决于在阿卡拉发生的事。The 21st century will be shaped by what happens not just in Rome or Moscow or Washington, but by what happens in Accra , as well.

在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉的三次演讲中,他提出了一个新的外交政策,这一政策是反对前任摩尼教观点的。In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra , he set out a new foreign policy that rejects the Manichean view of his predecessor.

几年前,卡利恩多飞到阿克拉,给了他一笔钱,让他在手指的一条线上签名,就这样成了兰普提的经纪人。Some years before, Caliendo had secured Lamptey as a client by flying to Accra and paying him a cash lump sum to sign on the dotted line.

美国驻阿克拉的大使馆并未立即就此置评。加纳是非洲第二大黄金生产国,仅次于南非。The US embassy in Accra was not immediately available to comment. Ghana is the continent's second-largest gold producer after South Africa.

阿克拉至库马西公路改扩建项目由中国铁路工程总公司承建,于2004年5月正式开工。The Accra to Kumasi road renewal project is undertaken by China Railway Engineering Corporation and formally started construction in May 2004.

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这次日食,由于月球在太阳前面的直线方向上而引起,在阿卡拉撒下了银色的阴影并且让很多居民鼓掌欢呼。The eclipse, caused by the direct alignment of the moon in front of the sun, cast a silver shadow over Accra and left many residents clapping and cheering.

他的遗体被安葬于家乡,但是不久以后,加纳政府在阿克拉建立了恩克鲁玛纪念馆,将其迁葬于此。His body was buried in his hometown, but the near future, the Government of Ghana in Accra , Kwame Nkrumah Memorial established its Migration cemetery here.

这位教练昨晚率领一帮国内和国际球员离开阿克拉前往突尼斯,在非洲杯开始前他们将在此进行为期三周的训练。The coach left Accra last night with a blend of local and international players for a three-week training tour of Tunisia before the start of the tournament.