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它们很巧妙地连接在一起,他说。They are subtly connected, he said.

我试图很含蓄地找出他的动力根源。Very subtly I tried to feel him out.

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其实,即使最好的资料数据也可以巧妙的误导你。Well, even the best data can be subtly misleading.

我费尽心机在做的就是改造、拯救语言。What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language.

有一些因素对后代的性别会产生微妙的影响。There are factors that subtly influence the sex of an offspring.

如此青春的美色,比醇酒更令他沉醉入迷。Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine.

他们的音乐被描述为“灵巧地使人陶醉的流行民谣”。Their music has been described as "subtly intoxicating folk-pop".

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我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.

但是最后所立的巧妙的书面协议使日本屈服。But the subtly constructed final text in essence gave Japan its way.

举例说,他的设计微妙地通过景物来引导运动方向。For example, his designs subtly direct movement through the landscape.

假如有人刻意模仿你的动作或神态,你要对他小心了。Watch out for people that subtly imitate your gestures and expressions.

克拉加特是邪恶的,不过他对于毕利的憎恨,是一种用细微的笔触处理的感情冲突。Claggart is evil, but his hatred for billy is a subtly stated ambivalence.

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其如丝般的花瓣和巧妙的甜香味使它成为名人之间的花朵。Its silky petals and subtly sweet aroma make it a celebrity among blossoms.

这些概念除了在不同方法中有一些微妙的差别外,它们都有着许多共同点。These concepts had a lot in common but were subtly different in non-obvious ways.

地核脉动在6年周期中些微改变着地球自转。Fluctuations at the core subtly shift the planet's rotation over a six-year cycle.

当今世界处于快速变化之中,而且更微妙、更难以察觉,这超出了大多数人的想象。The world changes faster, yet more subtly and stealthily, than most people imagine.

独奏和乐队部分交融在一起,复调织体却又十分透明。Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent.

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因为通过解决老板的这些问题,你能潜移默化地影响他/她来帮助你的工作。Because by solving the boss' concerns, you subtly influence him or her to work more on yours.

里面的果仁呈雪白色,一旦蒸熟后,打开果壳,里面的果肉吃起来。The nut inside is snow-white and when steamed and cracked is subtly sweet and quite delicious.

新政治学,曾经只能被私下隐秘地教授的东西,如果可以公然在大庭广众之下教授了。What was previously taught only subtly and in private will now be taught openly and in public.