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胡不归?。Why not return?

定会以邪恶相报。Do evil in return.

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我鞠躬还礼。I bowed in return.

放回锅中。Return to the pan.

我们将不再返回。We will not return.

所以,我只是返回。So, I just return 1.

然后立即返回。I return immediately.

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按回车键。Press the return key.

回到你的书堆里去吧。Return to your books.

速去速回。Go and return quickly.

如果我输入的值是0我会返回。If I get 0 I return 1.

茅塞顿开,回归自然。Has a return to nature.

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回到青年旅舍。Return to youth hostel.

我应当什么时候把它换回来呢?When am I to return it?

在回到越国之后啊。After his return to Yue.

该我回请了。Let me return the favor.

回风管道部分。Return air duct section.

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不久便春归大地。Spring will return soon.

回到意大利国家队?A return to La Nazionale?

我撕碎,我结束,我复返。I rend , I end, I return.