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这是一个已知的缺陷。This is a known bug.

是英国最常见的一种茶。It's a well known tea.

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他们应该知道的。They should have known.

在古埃及时代,他也被称为阿蒙神。In he was known as Amun.

他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is bluff known to all!

又称边销茶。Also known as Bianxiao Cha.

他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is a bluff known to all!

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人人都知道她很有才干。Her talents are well known.

我早该知道的。I should have known better.

该组织名为ASRI。The group is known as ASRI.

那位作家远近闻名。The writer is widely known.

她干了什么尚不清楚。What he did i ot yet known.

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我从未见过他哭泣。I've never known him to cry.

患病方知健康好。In sickness health is known.

也就是后来的杜马It became known as the Duma.

就是传票。It is known as the subpoena.

这就是衡平法。This became known as Equity.

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这种技术称为流水线。This is known as pipelining.

观其果而知其树。/观其形而知其人。——谚语。A tree is known by its fruit.

她怎么会不知道呢?How could she not have known?