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首先,我们省略一些无关紧要的功能。First, we omit some inessential features.

失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

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现代设计摈弃了一切可有可无的东西。Modern design has stripped away all that is inessential.

一些无关紧要,但有利于愉悦和舒适。Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.

这只是因为失败意味着你丢弃了不必要的东西。Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

就因为失败代表剥除掉不重要的事情。Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

因为失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

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因为失败意味着剥离掉那些不必要的东西。Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

我们对整体的感知并没有被无关紧要的细节打乱。Our perception of the whole is not distracted by inessential details.

这家礼品店是给旅游者设的圈套,卖的都是瓷器装饰品和其他非必要的东西。The gift shop was a tourist trap full of china ornaments and other inessential items.

在“自肃”精神的影响下,日本普通民众减少了不必要的开支。Ordinary Japanese have cut back on inessential spending, in a mood of sacrificial restraint.

我们往往注重一些无关紧要的细节,而丢弃了更为宝贵的东西。We usually pay attention to some inessential details, but throw away what are more invaluable.

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名称中的信息越是无关紧要,它能够坚持不改变的可能性就越小。The more inessential the information in the name, the less likely it is to persist across changes.

幸运的是在我们出发前三天,禁止前往卢克索“非必要旅行”的禁令取消了。Fortunately, three days before we were due to leave, the ban on inessential travel to Luxor was lifted.

将不同种类的记录分堆叠放,利用这个机会丢掉任何不重要的东西。Make a pile for each different type of record, and use the opportunity to discard everything inessential.

被看做次要者的生存者,不能不要求重树她的主权地位。The existent who is regarded as inessential cannot fail to demand the re-establishment of her sovereignty.

应该会经常问一些有的没的无聊问题吧,我是一个很难做决定的人。Maybe just always ask some inessential and boring stuff since I am a person who is hardly to make a decision.

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为什么我说失败是有好处的?因为失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。So why do I talk about the benefits of failure?Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

采用PCA对输入向量进行甄别,应用粗糙集理论约简与分类无关或关系不大的向量。We use PCA on selecting the input vector, and use rough set on reducing the inessential factors for classification.

如果两个人在争论,不要固执己见。在无关紧要的事情上要同意大多数人的意见。If you argue with other people, do not adhere stubbornly to your own opinion, conform to the public on inessential matter.