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这个房子被极大程度的从新改建。This house have been extensively remodelled.

稍后鲍尔写了广泛的历史神学。Later Baur wrote extensively on historical theology.

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首先,泛读能让我们获得更多的知识。First of all, reading extensively can enrich us more.

桁架在修建屋顶和桥梁时被广泛应用。Trusses have been extensively in roofing and Bridges.

从凹陷和划痕来看,似乎已经被大量使用过judging by dents and scratches, used quite extensively

双正交小波变换应用较广泛。Biorthogonal wavelet transform was applied extensively.

清管作业在天然气管道中应用的越来越广泛。Pigging operation is used extensively in gas pipelines.

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博茨瓦纳和南非都广泛地使用依法韦伦。Botswana and South Africa both use efavirenz extensively.

如今已经88岁的布鲁贝克,仍然活跃在音乐创作与巡演之中。Now 88, Brubeck continues to compose and tour extensively.

在科索沃和伊拉克的许多地方工作过。Ashley Gilbertson has worked extensively in Kosovo and Iraq.

纤维化标本的碎片更常见,并且更广泛。Fibrotic specimens fragment more often and more extensively.

金达尔说,一些国家在印度大量倾销。Jindal said some countries were dumping extensively in India.

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广霍香精油也被广泛地使用在现代香水中。Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery.

在现代,广藿香精油仍然被广泛用于制造香水。Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery.

适应经常出差,接受在家办公的工作。Willing to travel extensively and work on a home-office base.

绿原酸在肠中存在广泛的代谢。Chlorogenic acid was extensively metabolized in rat intestine.

这种新式火箭由军方进行了广泛的测试和调试。The new rocket was extensively tested and debugged by the army.

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哥顿的作品在英国和海外都广泛展出。Gordon has exhibited extensively in Britain and internationally.

我有广泛的测试和它的优良工程为我的N95型。I have tested it extensively and it works fine for me on my N95.

近来,他写了大量有关替代医学的文章。Latterly, he has written extensively about alternative medicine.