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那么,如何解释这份狂热呢?So, what explains the furor?

大家对葛瑞格工作的愤怒着实让我伤心。The furor over Greg's work breaks my heart.

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既然如此,那为什么会有拷问美元“疲软”的愤怒声音出现呢?Why then all the furor about the "weakness" of the dollar?

穆恩说,这种狂热让她和同事们的关系更紧密。Munn says the furor helped her bond with her new colleagues.

1987年,新西兰帆船队采用以玻璃纤维为材料的帆船参赛,引来一场轩然大波。In 1987 New Zealand created a furor by racing in a fiberglass boat.

大家对加拉斯在对阵博尔顿的比赛中那次犯规出离愤怒。The furor over Gallas's tackle after the Bolton game was incredible.

时逢1984年,正是美苏两国冷战的顶峰时期,他的这席讲话简直是在国际社会“一石激起千层浪”。It was 1984, the height of the Cold War, and the remark sparked an international furor.

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对这本书的狂热逐渐平静下去了,我意识到这和我的写作没有任何关系。The furor died down, and I realized that none of it had any relevance to what I was doing.

他表示穆巴拉克对于改革进程至关重要,此举引起强烈轰动。He also raised a furor by saying that Mubarak was "utterly critical" to the reform process.

有关人事变动可能会在几个月后进行,那时这场风波想必应该已经平息下来。Instead it would likely happen in several months' time, when presumably the furor had died down.

公众的愤怒是在11月1日之后爆发的,当时该机构引进了更具有侵犯性的搜身程序。The furor began after Nov. 1, when the agency introduced the more aggressive pat-down procedure.

我们没有发生那种去年由丹麦卡通漫画造成的、祸及全欧洲的、令人难以接受的分离事件。We have escaped the kind of bitter divisiveness that racked much of Europe during the Danish cartoon furor this year.

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自从上个月发现了首宗本地感染的案例后,报纸就不断大事报导。A furor over the fever has been roiling local new apers since the first locally contracted case was reported last month.

自从上个月发现了首宗本地感染的案例后,报纸就不断大事报导。A furor over the fever has been roiling local newspapers since the first locally contracted case was reported last month.

他说热衷于这种话题使得人们忽略影响美国人的大问题,例如持续不断的高失业率以及油价高升等。He said the furor was distracting attention from the problems affecting Americans, such as lingering unemployment and high gasoline prices.

讲话造成巨大影响,导致对他的统治的武装反抗,嘲笑他的歌曲在阿拉伯世界流传。The speech caused a furor that fueled the armed rebellion against him and it has been since mocked in songs and spoofs across the Arab world.

卡林博士仍然在搞这个工作,仍然对新闻媒体自由发表言论,而且自从对该问题产生热议以来,他的评论就一直不断地发布在美国环保局的网站上。Dr. Carlin remains on the job and free to talk to the news media, and since the furor his comments on the finding have been posted on the E. P. A.

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演讲引发了众怒,为针对他的武装叛乱火上浇油。此后,通过歌曲和讽刺文章,此事得以在阿拉伯世界传播开来。The speech caused a furor that helped fuel the armed rebellion against him and it has been since mocked in songs and spoofs across the Arab world.

Sennhauser认为,尽管选举之后政府面对最初骚动时手足无措,但他们现在对这些技术的使用愈加纯熟。Sennhauser says that the government has employed these technologies smartly despite being caught flat-footed by the initial furor after the election.

但有毒婴儿奶粉以及奶业的公然违规所引起的民众怒火盖过了其他那些惨剧。But citizens' furor over poisonous infant formula and the seemingly blatant failure of regulation in the milk industry overshadowed all those tragedies.