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成圣是上帝的工作。Sanctification is a Work of God.

成圣是称义的结果。Sanctification is the result of justification.

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这就是说,双方的理由和成圣需要。In other words, BOTH justification AND sanctification are required.

实际上,没有什么比持续一生的婚姻更神圣的。In fact, nothing teaches you sanctification like the life of marriage.

我们在哪里可以领受恩典,以便我们能在成圣中成长?Where do we receive grace in order that we may grow in sanctification?

这个转换我们,使我们更像耶稣的过程就叫做神圣化。This process of changing us to be more like Jesus is called sanctification.

圣灵在我心中作洁净成圣的工作时,耶稣就要显现在我心中。As the Spirit that sanctifies He will reveal Christ to me as my sanctification.

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它更多的将这点看成是人性在基督里的圣化。It treats the theme more in terms of the sanctification of human nature in Christ.

“我们相信,一个副产物的成圣是一个例子领先的”基督教生命。We believe that a by-product of sanctification is the example of leading a Christian life.

如果从来没有死亡的转折点,成圣只是一重假象。If there has never been this crisis of death, sanctification is nothing more than a vision.

所以我们不仅有圣别,也在圣别的过程中。We are not only under the process of holiness, but also under the process of sanctification.

多少人认同那行不通的“更丰盛基督徒生活”的成圣观,陷在感情的漩涡当中,难以自拔。How many are trapped in the emotional turmoil of unworkable 'higher life' views of sanctification?

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它要求牧师及俗人通过日常的规矩来努力追求圣化。Opus Dei urges priests and laypeople to strenuously pursue sanctification through everyday discipline.

于是,成圣在因信称义的经验中被认为是不必要的,也就不足为奇了。Small wonder, then, that it finds no need for sanctification in the experience of righteousness by faith.

我们慈爱的上帝意欲为了人类的全然成圣与完全才开动这一神圣的法则。Our loving God intended that this divine principle would operate for man's total sanctification and perfection.

约翰卫斯理是保证双方的理由和成圣,因为他经历过他们在自己的生命。John Wesley was assured of both justification and sanctification because he had experienced them in his own life.

说明理由的信仰为基础的传统的卫斯理然后建立一个理论的神圣行动。With justification by faith as the foundation the Wesleyan tradition then builds a doctrine of sanctification upon it.

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根据我们的研究,中国传统宗教思想的本质特征是人类的生命关怀和生命神圣化。The fundamentals of religious thoughts by a general study of Chinese religious tradition are care and sanctification of human being.

这就根本上否定了圣徒有任何关于成圣的需要,并且否定了为使人得以成圣与完全所做服事的方法。This essentially denies both the need for any sanctifying of the saints, and the means of ministering that sanctification or perfection.

由于基督徒需要在神的旨意中接受诸多指导,所以在使人圣洁的过程中,神让律法具有高于福音的权能。Because Christians need so much instruction in God's will, God employs the law as the greater power than the gospel in their sanctification.