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花豹和河马在比赛。The leopard is fast. The hippo is slow.

在395年,他成为希波皇室的主教。He was made Bishop of Hippo Regius in 395.

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有一次,我还与一头河马同游池塘。Once, I went swimming in a pond with a hippo.

看那只在河里四处戏水的河马!Look at the hippo splashing about in the river!

它张开它的胳膊,宽到能够抱住一个河马。It can open its arms wide enough to hag a hippo.

好消息是我这里有几个规避被踩扁结局的办法,当HIPPO威胁到你的项目时,依次做下面5件事。Here are 5 steps when a HIPPO threatens your project

那河马呢,又是谁让他5码丢球?And how about the hippo? Who hit him for a 5 yard loss?

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它并不知道河马想干什么。The confused waterbuck didn't know what the hippo wanted.

今天是龙与河马王国向大家讲话。It is the Dragon and Hippo Kingdoms that speak forth today.

一头赞比西河河马对搭便车的小鸟熟视无睹。All ears and eyes, a Zambezi River hippo ignores a hitchhiker.

请阅“来自飞龙和河马王国”以读取更多信息。See " From the Dragon and Hippo Kingdoms " for more information.

大河马一跳上来,西瓜船马上就变大了。Big hippo a jump up, watermelon ship immediately getting too big.

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你可以很容易地安装一个“双冲水”系统。You can easily install a 'dual-flush' system, or fit a hippo bag.

谷歌举出的这个发明叫“河马水滚筒”。This invention of cereal song adduce cries " hippo water platen ".

下一个踢进乌龙球的哥伦比亚球员将会面临着被河马践踏的惩罚。The next Columbian player who own-goals will be trampled by a hippo.

一头河马发现了小羚羊并向它游来。A hippo cow and her calf approached the young waterbuck on the island.

你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?

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几天后,狮子把赛跑的事告诉河马和老鼠。老鼠觉得很火大。A few days after Hippo and Mouse were told about the race, Mouse became angry.

一只助人为乐的海龟伸出爪子给一头受伤的海马做枕头。Zzzzzzz. A helpful turtle arm proves the perfect pillow for an exhausted hippo.

在这儿,我们唱着歌,河马就泡在浴缸里睡着了,浑身都泡软了。And in here we're singing this hippo to sleep in the bath so he gets all pruney.