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一个82额定值。An 82 nom.

我的自行车正在修理中。My bike is being, repaired nom.

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我是丹尼斯,此日我到这里来接你。I'm Dennis. I nom here to meet you today.

拉的部下包括维婕尔和农·阿诺。Among Lah's underlings were Vergere and Nom Anor.

张开你的嘴巴,现在就开始说吧。Just open your mouth and start speaking right nom.

我仍清楚地记得故事发生的时候。I remember quite clearly nom when the story happed.

农·阿诺率军捉拿他,但最终还是失败了。Nom Anor led the charge to recapture him, but ultimately failed.

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巴金这一次的旅行使我更了解一个名词的意义。I understand more about the meaning of the nom through this trip.

他们进而又设计了一个叫“农·卡巴”的赏金猎人。It evolved into an iteration of a bounty hunter character named Nom Kahbah.

每一组建立一个输出为3。3伏特的分压器,测量输出电压。Each team builds a voltage divider with nom. 3. 3 V output, and measure Vout.

拉希望弥补自己的过失,在农·阿诺的建议下,他率军攻打埃巴克9号卫星。Hoping to redeem himself, Lah led the attack on Ebaq 9, at Nom Anor's suggestion.

就是在这次事件中,农·阿诺偷偷地让杰德感染上库姆孢子。It was at this event that Nom Anor surreptitiously infected Jade with coomb spores.

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曾经用欣然作为笔名的作家薛欣然是一位优秀的作家。The author, Xinran Xue, who uses the name Xinran as a nom de plume, is an old hand.

当生命星球佐纳马塞科特被找到的消息传来时,农·阿诺看到了自己的机会。When word of the living planet Zonoma Sekot was found, Nom Anor saw his opportunity.

仅有一艘赛昂袭击机被毒蛇战机飞行员冠上名字。它的名字是?Only one Cylon raider ship was named by the Viper pilots. What was its nom de guerre?

岱侬喃字体现了境外壮侗语族人民在发展民族文字方面所作的努力。The Chu' Nom words show Zhuang and Dong people's effort in developing national words.

随着这对姐妹星球之间的危机升级,农·阿诺炮制了自己死亡的假象,再度消失。As the crisis escalated on the twin worlds, Nom Anor again vanished, faking his own death.

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另外,大量喃字文学作品是在中国文学作品的基础上,经再创作而成的。Besides, a large number of Chu Nom literary works are created based on Chinese literary works.

这是为什么呢?她为何以塔尼亚的假名发表一段录音信息宣布自己已经加入SLA?Why did she issue a taped message, under the nom de guerre Tania , announcing she had joined the SLA?

虽然屡遭失败,但农·阿诺继续冒险接触异端邪说以获取他能利用的情报。Despite his failure, Nom Anor continued to risk heresy in his quest for information he could use to his advantage.