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我会给出下面的假定。I'll assume the following.

假定所有输入都可疑。Assume all input is suspect.

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我假定这些只是排版错误。I assume these are just typos.

想来他是不会骗你的。I assume that he won't cheat you.

古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。To assume the shape of a pyramid.

该轮到我处于支配地位了。It was MY time to assume ascendency.

假设你对此确信无疑。Let's assume you know that for sure.

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大部份的人可能以为事情本该如此。Most people probably assume they are.

女人认为我们没有任何感觉。Women who assume we have no feelings.

保释人需要承担风险。The bondsmen need to assume the risks.

我们假设这模型中没有削价出售。We assume no remainders in this model.

不要以为空座位都是可以坐的。Don't assume empty seats are available.

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假设你需要三头六臂。Assume you will need more that one body.

最后,我们承担一个标准大气。Lastly, we assume a standard atmosphere.

也有些人认为这是无害过错。Others assume it's a victimless offense.

也有些人认为作弊是无害过错。Others assume it's a victimless offense.

不要假设你跟读者很熟络。Don't assume familiarity with the reader.

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不要主观臆断某项任务已经圆满完成。Don't assume the mission is accomplished.

让我们假设已经运行了测试集。So let's assume we've run our test suite.

没有,我们只是被要求来假定这种罪恶的行为。No, we're being asked to assume that evil.