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自己的右手和他递解的囚犯铐在一起的?Officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?

我把电公拷上手铐,把雷母送进牢房。I done handcuff lightning and put thunder in jail.

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士兵们拷上了团伙的头目并盖住他的头。The soldiers handcuff the ring leader and cover his head.

这个用铰链连接的颈圈像个巨型手铐一样拷在威尔士的脖子上。The hinged collar locked around Wells' neck like a giant handcuff.

这个用铰链连接的颈圈像个巨型手铐一样拷在威尔士的脖子上。The hinged collar locked around Wells’ neck like a giant handcuff.

他们会把你脱到一个没窗户的屋子里,有时候还把你拷在椅子上。They drag you to a windowless room, sometimes handcuff you to a chair.

你看过有哪个警官把自己的右手和他递解的囚犯铐在一起的?Say, did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?

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胡迪尼在欧洲各地巡回表演,并且以『手铐之王』的名号著称。Houdini performed acts all over Europe and was known as "The Handcuff King."

我曾看见你们之中最自由者,把自由像枷铐似的戴上。I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff.

两个狱警扑到Sucre身上,把他的手臂猛扭到背后,铐住了他。Two C.O.s pile on top of Sucre, wrench his arms behind his back and handcuff him.

乘务员通常会导致手铐乘客是否在飞行中的问题。Flight attendants usually handcuff passengers if they cause problems during a flight.

这会从实质上限制警察,使他们不能恰当地进行他们的工作。This will essentially handcuff the police, and not allow them to do their job properly.

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房间按照监狱的格局布置,有铁栏,身高线,还有玩具手铐。The room is laid out like a prison cell, with iron bars, height marks and handcuff tools.

要学会在这个自由配合消防队长视频从火灾消防员的手铐结。Learn to tie a fireman's handcuff knot in this free firefighting video from a fire captain.

杰克坐直身体,在手铐允许的范围内尽量伸了个懒腰,然后环顾四周。Jack sat up and stretched as much as the handcuff on his wrist would allow. Then he looked around.

这时他骑着摩托车在我的右边&拿出他的手铐一直说“生命城邦”。This time he was riding the motorbike on my right & took out his handcuff and kept saying "Saya polis".

仁义的另一层意义,其实就是脚镣手铐,专门陷人于不义以及罪恶之中。The other side of benevolence and righteousness is the handcuff and fetters, devised to trap people in guilt.

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加入实力最弱的中学的老师将得到一万英镑的丰厚薪水,此项决策是通过给教师戴上“金手铐”。Teachers joining the most disadvantaged secondary schools are to receive "golden handcuff" payments of £10000.

每当这种时候,巡防队会把俘虏拷在树上,但是只有几分钟而且是“在树荫下。”During those times, the scouts would handcuff prisoners to a tree, but only for a few minutes and “in the shade.

一位侦探抓住了一个罪犯,正要给他戴上手铐时,突然一阵大风把他的帽子刮跑了。A detective arrested a criminal and was about to handcuff him when a huge gust of wind blew the detective's hat off.