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他们过着极端清苦的生活。They lived an austere life.

我父亲是一个沉没、严峻的人。My father is a silent, austere man.

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但是教室本身却非常简朴。But the classroom itself is austere.

揣在花边手套里,朴实可人。In their lace mitts , austere and sweet.

现在在几大政党中,他们是最为朴素的一个政党。They are now the most austere of the main parties.

军队的生活还是相对清苦的。The life of the troops was still comparatively austere.

口感饱满,香气优雅直接,伴以顺滑的单宁。Fll-bodied, austere and elegant flavour, with fost tannins.

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使用这些字样的动机是庄严肃穆而非趋炎附势。The motive behind such words is austere rather than snobbish.

这个房间四壁洁白,空无一物,朴实而美观。The room with its white walls was bare, austere and beautiful.

当前我国大学生就业形势十分严峻,其中一个重要原因就在于大学生就业力的缺失。The lack of ability to hunt for a job results in an austere position.

严峻的军官要求谨遵军纪。Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.

看似清苦,可是他甘之如饴,从不觉得还缺少什么。It seems austere but he enjoys it very much, never feeling insufficient.

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那是瓷器的咖啡组件,可能对外国口而言过于朴素了些。That's a porcelain coffee set. Maybe a little austere for foreign tastes.

奈特莉大概是得到了这个简朴但是感人的历史剧的剧本。Knightley presumably got a script for this austere but moving period piece.

在我国将加入WTO时,小企业将面临严竣考验。As China is going to join the WTO, small businesses will face austere challenge.

一个脸上看上去坚韧而又严肃的高瘦男人从门口走了出来。A tall, thin man, with a hard, austere face, had stepped out of the open doorway.

这令人目眩而又朴实无华的美丽南极冰景一直陪伴着我们。The stunning, austere beauty of the Antarctic icescape is our constant companion.

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但与这一严峻的现实极不相称的却是我国林地利用的低效率。But the low using efficiency of timberland is inappropriate for this austere realism.

冯梦波将这个过程自动化,并将情感表现缩减成更加质朴的基本元素。Feng Mengbo automates the process, and reduces expression to far more austere essentials.

1975年,崇尚俭朴的法塞尔国王遭暗杀后,贪图享乐的法赫德国王继位。When the austere King Faisal was assassinated in 1975, the sybaritic King Fahd took power.