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一个非官方的钟嘉欣蕃薯会!An unofficial fans club of Linda Chung!

在办公室中一个非正式的信条是“W.An unofficial credo around the office is “W.

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尝试正确的饮食--但是依自己的喜好而定。Try eating right -- but on an unofficial basis.

欢迎来到南京外国语学校2003届的非官方网站!Welcome to the unofficial website of NFLS 2003!

但新孟邦党不能接受这样一个非官方提议。But the NMSP could not accept such an unofficial offer.

“脚下那边的土地”是人们对澳大利亚的别称。“The Land Down Under” is Australia’s unofficial nickname.

该组织还有一个非官方的名字——“常春藤八校”。The group also had an unofficial name -- "The Ancient Eight."

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许多有趣的故事源自于稗官野史。Many interesting stories originated from unofficial histories.

本声明系非官方性的,对两国均不具有约束力。The statement is unofficial and not binding on either country.

王宝钏是唐朝野史中痴情烈女的“楷模”。Wang Baochuan is the unofficial history of spoony women "model".

谁都不知道这非官方金融系统到底有多大,但是它确实很大。No one knows how big the unofficial financial system is, but it is large.

当然此乃口口相传野史,并不见正传。This is unofficial word of mouth, of course, does not see the True Story.

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相反的,社会媒体的非官方消息常常更加可信。Conversely, unofficial information on social media is often more credible.

我们通常把复活节次日看作是对春季的非正式献祭。Easter Monday is usually regarded as an unofficial consecration of spring.

复活节一般被认为是一种非官方的春节圣祭日。Easter Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration of Spring.

这19人之后成为了非官方组织“半路黄泉”俱乐部的成员。These 19 went on to become members of the unofficial "Halfway to Hell" Club.

非官方的选举结果显示,英拉所属的政党赢得了265个席位。Unofficial results indicate Ms. Yingluck’s party gained 265 seats in the vote.

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官方滥用已经够恶劣了,但非官方的使用让我更加忧虑。Official misuses are bad enough, but it's the unofficial uses that worry me more.

潘先生是此次安理会非正式投票的赢家。Mister Ban was the winner this week in unofficial voting by the Security Councial.

贝尔的朋友中,巴兰塞是第一个也是唯一一个成为她的非正式护理人的。Ballance was only the first of Baer’s friends who became her unofficial caregivers.