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这也就是广为人知的所谓“印钱”行为。It is what is popularly known as printing money.

此外,大蒜还被广泛地用作穷人的万灵丹。Moreover, it's popularly used as the poor man's cure-all.

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互连网已在校园内外广泛使用。Internet is very popularly used both in campus and city itself.

作为全民选举的议院,众议院比参议院享有更多的优势。As the popularly elected House, Dáil Eireann enjoys supremacy over the Seanad.

综合评估法是应用比较普遍的一种评标方法。The comprehensive evaluation method is a popularly used bid evaluation method.

“泰昌阳光”产品畅销全国各地,公司有广泛、完善的销售和服务网络。The "Taichang Sunshine"products are popularly sold to everywhere of our country.

在网络游戏社区中,这种做法被普遍视为是棵摇钱树。This practice is popularly known in the online gaming community as gold farming.

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恶搞是借助网络流行起来的一种大众文化。The juggled culture is a kind of mass culture supported by the network popularly.

新型的恶搞行为是在高科技支持下盛行的一种玩笑文化。The juggled culture is a kind of mass culture supported by the network popularly.

这位黑暗骑士已经被大众认为是世界上最伟大的侦探形象之一。The Dark Knight has since become popularly known as the world's greatest detective.

行政权被授予了一位被选举的行政长官,任期为四年。Executive authority is vested in a Governor, popularly elected for a four-year term.

印报机自动套准系统的应用也越来越普遍。Application of newspaper machine register guidance system is more and more popularly.

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统计符号是地图制图中最受欢迎和最为广泛应用的地图符号之一。Statistic symbol is one type of the most welcomed and most popularly used map symbol.

布封所说的风格即人格,迄今仍有普遍意义。Buffon said, "Le style, c'est l'homme", which is still popularly meaningful in theory.

从此以后,她的头顶上就有了一个小冠子,人们都说那是她父亲的坟冢。Hence she obtained her crest, which is popularly said to be her Father's grave-hillock.

激光具有良好的光学精密性和单色性。Lasers may be popularly considered the essence of precision optics and purity of color.

暗纹东方鱼屯俗称河豚,属江海洄游性鱼类。Takifugu obscurus, popularly named obscure puffer, is a fish of river to sea migration.

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以前,科学家们普遍认为细菌在海底以下的生态系统中占主导地位。Previously, it was popularly believed that bacteria dominated the sub-seafloor ecosystem.

最近,二人转已为中国老百姓所喜闻乐见。The er ren zhuan, or two-person skit, has gained in popularly among the Chinese recently.

著名的caipirinha鸡尾酒由甘蔗酒调制而成,而这是它的"伏特加版本"。This is of course the vodka version of the popularly known caipirinha, made with cachaça.